Neapolitan, Nutella and Narnia

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"Mom, is it okay if Ludwig comes over later tonight?" Feliciano asked you while the family was eating dinner.

You glanced at Toni. He shrugged and then nodded. You sighed, knowing he was going to leave the decision up to you.

Feli looked at you with those sweet honey-colored eyes of his. "So can he, Mom?"

Nodding, you smiled. "Yeah, that's fine. Does he need to get dropped off at home after or is Uncle Gil going to come pick him up?"

"I was thinking that he could...uhh maybe spend the night here..." The younger of your two boys looked at you with pleading eyes.

"You should call him after dinner to make sure that's okay."

Feli nodded while Lovino just sighed and rolled his eyes, going back to eating his meal in silence.

~Timeskip brought to you by Author-chan's 20% battery with no charger~

"I'm so glad you could come!" Feli's happy voice echoed down the hall.

'Ludwig must be here.' You were in the laundry room switching the laundry and sorting colors.

The younger of your sons peeked his head in. "Hey, Mom. Ludwig's here."

You nodded. "You two go find something to do."

And just like that, they were off. It made you really happy that Feliciano's best friend was here now to help him sort out being a teenager.

Oh, the raging hormones...

~Another Timeskip, brought to you by the huge bruise on Author-chan's arm~

It was 1 am. You were hungry so you got out of bed and headed downstairs to grab a quick snack.

To your surprise, you heard the tv playing. The music sounded familiar. Walking in to turn it off, you realized it was Narnia.

Feliciano and Ludwig had been watching Narnia. And on the coffee table was an empty container of Neapolitan ice cream and a half-empty jar of Nutella with a spoon next to it.

The two boys were fast asleep on the couch. Ludwig was propped up on the arm of the couch, head on his shoulder. Feliciano's head was in the German's lap, a small smile on his lips.

You smiled, turning the tv off and continuing on your mission for food.

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