•Chapter-16: Party!

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Lynn couldn't look at Beth. It's too painful since he had fooled around with her boyfriend. And he just felt so awful.

He didn't know how to face Beth. It was torture. And worse, Caleb was avoiding him. Every time he tried to approach Caleb, he would walk away. It was getting irritating, but Lynn can't blame Caleb.

But he'll endure for a little longer.

And he did, Caleb avoided him.

He avoided Lynn at school.

Lynn called him by his name, and every time it was awkward.

But no, he avoids him. He spends time with Beth, but Lynn can't get near them when they're together. He promised Beth he wouldn't bother them. But this is torture; it's killing him. It's killing him, to not being able to at least speak to him.

Even at home, Caleb locked his window. So Lynn can't sneak in. He'll have to wait until the party, then Caleb won't be able to run.

The days waiting for Friday felt like forever. Since Beth was going, Lynn will accompany her to make sure no one bothers her, meaning the boys or crazy girls. And to make sure no one slips anything into her drinks.

"Take care of your sister, we're going out so we won't be back until later," their mother said. "If you're going to that party, no drinking."

"Alright," Lynn smiled.

After their parents left, Lynn went upstairs to his room and tried to get a glimpse of Caleb; the curtains were drawn down, and the window closed.

Lynn will somehow corner him; perhaps he'll get Caleb drunk and take him to the room. No, he would never do that to him. Lynn will have to think of something else. But he can't let Beth know. At least not now.

Once Caleb accepts him, he will have to tell Beth. "I heard Hannah is going," Beth said.

"So," he sat across from her. She was painting her nails. "She won't do anything if she bothers you just tell me."

"I will," she smiles. "I'll be with Caleb."

"Alright," he sighs."Don't wear anything that reveals too much."

"I'm not Hannah," she said.

"I know you're not; just there will be drunk horny boys acting stupid," Lynn wrinkles his nose.

"I'll be careful, I promise," she smiled and leaned over, kissing his cheek. "Don't let Hannah get you drunk."

"I won't," the only person he's going to get drunk is Caleb, kidding.

But it could work.

He left Beth's room to let her change. Most girls take hours to get ready, but Beth took one hour.

It was already seven when he and Beth finished getting ready and made their way next door.

Earlier, after school, Beth had ballet class and didn't get out until around 4 pm; then, they stopped by the store for her to buy something. And they got home at around 5 pm.

Then they ate and shower and got ready. By the time Beth and Lynn walked over to Caleb's house and making sure their home was secure and locked. People were already here only a few cars. Most of them walked here since they all live close to each other.

When they enter, people were already drunk. Red cups scatter around the living room.

Lynn has never been in their home; this was the first time. The music was loud, girls boys swaying this way and that way. Some couples were making out in corners. The lights where dim, seem as if the furniture was moved out or something.

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