•Chapter-10: Full on Make Out

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Warning: Brief sexual content is below the dotted line. If you don't want to read it, do not cross the dotted line, wait for the next chapter.

-Thank you ;)


Lynn waited for Caleb to do something. He wants to see if Caleb will search inside his pants.

But the truth is, he has the keys underneath him. He just needed to test his theory. He needs to know if Caleb turns him on.

And he better hurry before, someone sees them. Thought no one could see them.

"Curse you," he said.

Caleb inhaled before he slowly slipped his hand down his pants; this was so wrong. Why was he letting Caleb do this? Caleb is Beth's boyfriend.

He should stop him, but he didn't. Lynn could see Caleb looking at him. He had this look in his eyes. It's this very sexy look.

He went to stop Caleb, but he tensed up. Did Caleb accidentally felt it, his hard-on? Cause that would be embarrassing. Caleb's eyes narrow; he had this evil smile.

Caleb got him now. If he didn't give him the keys, he would make Lynn suffer. Caleb felt him, his hard-on. And he will make Lynn pay.

Though he didn't know why Lynn had a hard-on in the first place was it because he was on him.

He'll have to find out right now.

Lynn didn't like that smile at all; it held something evil. He sat up. But Caleb still had his hand in there.

Wait, both hands. "Okay, this is getting very uncomfortable, so I'll just give you your k-," Lynn gripped Caleb's arms. He had him in his hands. "Caleb, if you're going to hit me there, then do it, but don't grab it."

"Why not?" He asked.

He looked at Caleb. He still had that evil smile.

Lynn groaned.

Caleb moved his hand around it. Why is he this hard?

He's going nuts; this only happens when he thinks of Caleb; damn his hands feel nice.

"Caleb, someone can see us, and people will start to speed rumors," Lynn said. It won't matter to him; his parents told him they'd accept him if he were gay.

They gave him and Beth, this talk about how they are to accept everyone. Regardless of their race size, sexual orientation, and so on. But Lynn has broken that little rule and maltreated Caleb. But his parents think he's straight and now Lynn doubting himself. "Caleb, quit it."

But Caleb didn't stop his hands had slipped into his basketball shorts and boxers. Lynn looked him in the eye. He looked back. Looking away, Lynn noticed his pants were zipped down. How did, when did he? Curse him. If he moves, it'll make it worse.

Caleb was now groping him. It's like he done this million of time. He knew just where to touch.

He looked at Caleb. He hated the lip biting, but with Caleb, when he does it, it's sexy and turns him on.

Lips that he wanted to kiss. See, his thoughts aren't decent around him; this can't be happening to him.

Caleb's hands move around it. The wrong part was, he's enjoying it this was strange, two guys in a park, one was groping the other. It seems like a regular thing to do. Not.

"Caleb," his name came out as a whisper. "Stop." He wasn't begging, but if he didn't stop. Things could go far.

He tugged on it. Caleb needs to stop the lip-biting before he loses it. Lynn groaned, resting his forehead against Caleb's.

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