•Chapter-29: New Beginnings

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"Hey, quit it!" Caleb smacked Lynn's hand.

"Ouch," Lynn rubbed his hand.

"Can't you see I'm feeding her," Caleb said.

"Yeah, Lynn quit it," Sawyer said.

It's been exactly eight months since the whole accident and things have settled down.

After Hannah gave birth, she stayed in the hospital for a while, then got transferred to another state.

Hannah gave birth to a lovely girl that looks nothing like her, Caleb, and everyone was relieved.

Caleb has full custody of her. Of course, he shares custody with Lynn. Her name is Faith Miracle Wayne McCain.

They decided to add both their last names. Faith is their little miracle.

Sawyer takes care of her when they're at school. Or sometimes Lynn's mother. Right now, it's the weekend, so they are enjoying there time with Faith. But someone wasn't behaving.

"Lynn," Beth shoo him away. "Faith gets all the attention right now."

"Well, I need attention," Lynn said. Caleb rolls his eyes.

"Lynn, you get all the attention at the bedroom," Caleb sat on the chair. They were in the backyard, enjoying the little warmth they have left before winter starts kicking in.

Faith doesn't cry much. She gives little trouble.

"Hmm, fresh air," Sawyer said. "Finally, I can rest."

Beth gave birth to a boy named Chris. And he's a very healthy little boy. He looks like Sawyer. But has Beth's eyes.

"Sawyer," Beth handed Chris over to him. "Hold him; I need to use the bathroom."

"Hey, buddy," Sawyer is a great father.

"Before you two have another kid, I want to see you get married," Lynn said.

"It'll happen," Sawyer said. "After Beth graduates. We have talked about this. I don't understand why you keep complaining."

Caleb glare. "Lynn behave, or no sex." Lynn sat down. "Here, hold her." Lynn held Faith.

"You understand me," Lynn cuddles her. "I'll protect you from men like Sawyer." Caleb sighed.

He looked around; the house got remodeled to his taste.

Since both their parents aren't around, the house belongs to them now.

A lawyer helped them get the house under their names. So they can do what they want with it.

Sawyer is planning on moving out soon and getting his own house for him, Beth and Chris.

"I want a ring on Beth's finger before she moves in with you," Lynn said.

"Lynn stops it," Beth walked over. "Mom and dad agree to let me move in with Sawyer."

Lynn mumble. "Fine."

Sawyer smirked.

"While Beth and I cook, you two take care of the kids," Caleb said.

The kitchen is different now it's more, cheerful. The house is a three-bedroom house and three bathrooms.

Two of the rooms had their bathrooms; the other one was in the downstairs hallway.

They had donated all of their parent's things, aside from pictures and relevant documents.

The old furniture got donated before getting new ones. The house looks like new.

There aren't any reminder of them. Once Sawyer moves out, Caleb will sleep in the master bedroom; he will use Sawyer's room for Faith's.

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