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Lisa pov

Did I just turn into a monster
Can I copy powers even from monsters.

Everybody say no... (insert Jungkooks voice)

I don't wanna copy powers from monsters, although it's cool but I don't only copy their powers but also turn into their form, that's some disgarsting shat (Lee min Hoe....
did it just typo into hoe I am not changing it😉 )

Yooo if I can copy powers even from monsters (which was not mentioned when she was told about Venus)
Then oml how powerful am I. I can rule this world with my powers I just need some confidence which I don't have at all (Mr world wide handsome give her some confidence already)

Well let's just think later, I need to win the race what am I doing here

Author pov

And with that Lisa started running or flying again but not even one monster showed up and she reached the Venus tree peacefully

It was weird that no monsters popped out at all ,were they afraid of her .
She went near the tree it was so beautiful the tree was really big it had blue leaves which glowed in the moonlight and pink flower buds which had not bloomed yet . Lisa moved forward and touched the tree but to her shock as soon as she touched the tree, the flowers started to bloom creating a very beautiful scene and she was welcomed by a very pretty girl callin her

Queen Venus

Blinks do you have membership for the show I am broke y'all ahhhhhhhhh
I am broke both for

The album
The show
Double update today although it's short 😅

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