The Burrow

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You sat in The Burrow, watching as Fred tried to show his mother a knew potion he brewed last year at Hogwarts. Molly was a nice women that was filling to try anything, apart from whatever Fred or George tried to make her put in her mouth. You were about to start your final year at Hogwarts. You were the same age as Harry, Hermione and Ron, so Fred and George have already left now. It made you sad that you wouldn't get to see Fred everyday, so you soaked in every moment you could with him.

'Please mum, it won't hurt you' Fred pleaded, trying to get her to take it. 'I'll take it' you said willingly. A smile grew on his face as he walked over and handed it to you. Everyone watched as you drank it but nothing happened. 'What's meant to happen?' you asked confused. 'It's meant to make you turn into a spider' he said worried. 'This is why I don't trust you boys. Y/n love, come here and drink some water to wash it down.' You walked over and took the glass of water she was holding and drank it. 

The day went on and nothing really happened. For most of the day, you laid of Fred's bed with him while he played with your hair, watching movies. You laid on his chest and then every now and then, someone would come into the room to check up on you both, to make sure you weren't doing anything. 'Freddie, I'm gonna miss you...' you said softly. He looked down at you like he was shocked with what you just said. 'What?' you said quickly, before he had a chance to say anything. 'Your acting like I'm never going to see you!' The thought of not seeing Fred for a long time made you sad so you just put your head on his chest, watching the movie so he couldn't see that you were about to cry. He paused the movie, but you didn't move. You stared at the paused screen for a while before looking up at him. 

'Please don't cry. You can visit.' he said trying to comfort you, as the tears rolled down your cheeks. 'It's not going to be the same without you' you said holding back the urge to sob hysterically. He wiped the tears off of your cheeks and pulled a face to make you laugh. You did but it was the moments like this that you were going to miss. He kissed your forehead and then you leaned back down onto his chest. He pressed play on the movie again and you hugged him, before falling asleep on him.         

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now