Just come back home

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(I recommend listing to sad music to read this) 

Sirius looked in the room with tears in his eyes and then looked back at all of you. Everyone ran in to look for him apart from you and Sirius. He stood and stared at you and you shook your head with tears in your eyes. 'Please tell me he's ok Sirius. I need him to be ok.' He didn't answer you, but tears streamed down his cheeks as they did yours. 'You know I can't do that y/n.' He said softly to you. You instantly burst into tears and started sobbing as you walked into the room and down to where you saw everyone crowding. 

You watched as Harry moved slightly to allow you to stand between him and Hermione who were both crying. You looked down at Fred. You fell to his side and screamed. Hermione knelt down next to you and put her hands on your shoulders and you leaned over Fred's body, screaming into his chest. Molly walked over and pulled you off of him and into her hug. Everyone was crying but the sound of George's sobs and your screams haunted the school. In that moment your life felt as though it was over. Like everything you ever had was gone. 'HE PROMISED ME WE WOULD MAKE IT OUT TOGETHER!' You screamed tried to free yourself from Molly's arms to get back to Fred. 

As the time went on, you started to loose you voice from screaming and your crying had no tears left to fall. You looked around at everyone's faces and saw that Ginny wasn't there and neither was Remus or Sirius. 'Where's Remus, Sirius and Ginny?' you asked softly. You instantly regretted asking as you heard Ginny scream from across the room. You closed your eyes and somehow found more tears to fall because they did.

You watched as Ginny pushed past everyone in the hall, injured or not, collapsing at Fred's side. You started pounding on his chest begging him to wake up. 'I need my big brother Freddie, please you can't leave me like that! PLEASE!' Ginny was making all of you cry harder so Arthur had to carry her outside for some air. As Harry looked around everyone's faces, he started to cry again before leaving saying he wanted to be alone. 

Everyone slowly started to go outside until there was just you, George and all of the body's of the dead. You went over and sat next to George and leaned onto his shoulder and he rested his head on yours, bother wrapped in the same blanket.

'He looks so peaceful...' You just about managed to saw with your voice breaking. 'I- I don't know if I should tell you this y/n, but I know he would want me to tell you....' You looked at him confused and he had tears falling down his cheeks, staining his shirt as he stared down at Fred. 'While we were protecting the secret entrances, we were talking...about you.' He looked up at over at you and gave you a weak smile through his tears. 'He said that as soon as this was over, he was going to ask you to marry him. He said that he loved you with everything he had and that if you could both make it through this then you were meant to be. And then, he looked at me and he said Georgie if I don't make it, I want you to tell y/n how much I love her and that I will watch over her everyday. He then told me to tell you that he wants me to be there for you, and that you did amazing and he couldn't be prouder to call you his girlfriend.' George started to laugh a little as he told you the next part. 'He said that he loved pranking you everyday, so he gave me permission to take on that role. He finished by saying, I love everyone so much and I'll miss you. And then the explosion happened and he was....'   

You took a shaky deep breath and looked down at Fred and started sobbing uncontrollably. George put his arm around you and pulled you close to him hugging you. 'George, I have no one anymore.' You said between sobs. 'Y/n, you have me.'              

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now