George, I know your not fine

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'Do you- do you want to come downstairs with me?' George asked you rather calmly. you looked at him and smiled softly and nodded. 'Hold my hand?' he asked while his voice broke. You nodded again and grabbed his hand before guiding him out of the room. You both stood at the top of the stairs for a moment because he didn't want to move. You understood how he was feeling because you felt like that too. 'If your not ready-' you started but he cut you off. 'I have to do it at some point.' 

You squeezed his hand as you both walked down the first step together. When he did it he looked at you and smiled. 'I did it y/n' You nodded and continued down, pausing after every step, allowing George to ease into it. When you got to the bottom of the stairs you heard Molly crying in the kitchen with Arthur and your head quickly shot to George who hadn't heard to yet. You started talking loudly as you ran and closed the door so they knew you were there but mainly to distract George. 

You followed him into the living room where there were pillows and blankets still set out from where you were trying to sleep on them last night. 'I thought you slept in Fred's room?' he asked you confused. 'No I ugh- your mother asked me if I wanted to but there was too many memories... last night was the first time I went in there since I left for Hogwarts.' You both sat down and you picked up a pillow and hugged it. George grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around himself. 'It smells like him y/n'. he said smiling. You smiled back and added 'that's because I sprayed it with his sent... it helps me sleep.' 

You heard the kitchen door open again and when you looked up you saw Molly and Arthur walk into the room to see you but they both looked shocked to see George. 'Georgie?' Molly asked, thinking she was just seeing things but he looked back at them and smiled slightly. 'Hey..' he responded rather calmly. Molly's tears formed back in her cheeks as she came over and hugged him tightly. Arthur also walked over and thanked you for helping him before saying 'It's good to see you out again George... I- I was getting  little worried...' George looked at them both and plastered a fake smile on their face saying 'Why? I'm fine.' You knew that was  lie and you expected them to know that too, but they seemed as though they believed him. Arthur went off to work shortly after and Molly went into the kitchen to make some food leaving you alone wit George. 

'George, I know your not fine.' He looked up at you with huge watery eye before just sobbing. You moved over next to him and huge him tightly while he tried to muffle his sobs unto your chest and the blanket. You rubbed you hands up and down his back while he sobbed into you. Ron looked into the room and saw what was happening. You glared at him, making him nod and walk into the other room. You sat with George until he stopped crying and fell asleep on your lap. 

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