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Later in the evening you packed for Hogwarts. Fred sat and watched you while he laid on his bed sulking because he didn't want you to leave. He kept distracting you because he wanted you to stop, because he thought that if you didn't pack, you couldn't go. Somehow, after a painful 4 hours you finished. You went and laid next to Fred and we rapped his arms and legs around you. 'Do you have to go?' He whispered into your ear softly, as he played with your hair. You looked at him and smiled.' Yes.' You responded and he gave you the soft, puppy dog eyes that he always used when he wanted to get his own way. You knew that you needed to leave tomorrow for Hogwarts but at the same time, you wanted to stay with Fred. 

'Freddie?' you said into his chest, kind of hoping he didn't hear because you didn't want to ask the question anymore, but you knew that he would keep bugging you if you didn't tell him. 'Yes, beautiful?' he responded. For a quick minute you thought about changing the question you were going to ask but you couldn't think of anything to say. 'W-what if something happens?' He looked down at you confused. 'What are you talking about?' 'The- the battle...' His grip tightened on you and he kissed your head. 'We don't even know if there's going to be a battle y/n.' He tried to hide your head in his chest. 'I heard Harry...he said there will be.' 

Fred sighed. 'You need sleep y/n. You have a long train ride tomorrow.' he said into your head. 'I can sleep on the train.' you responded, annoyed that he didn't answer you. 'Y/n, please.' he begged. You sighed then closed your eyes. 

While you slept, Fred pulled you even closer to him. He played with your hair and then started to silently cry. He was scared of loosing you and he hated thinking about it. Every night, he thought about the battle. Everyone knew about it, and everyone knew that it was happening. Snape was the knew headmaster after what happened last year with him and Dumbledore. Hogwarts over the the course of a year changed so much. Snape was never the best teacher, but after what he did to Dumbledore, he was hated even more. Most people were scared of him. A lot of people transferred schools after they fund out that he was the new head, and a lot of people just refused to go back. 

Harry, Ron and Hermione were going back this year but they pulled out just a few hours before the train was due to leave, because they wanted to focus on finding horcruxes. You were happy that they decided to do that, because it would make life easier for them, but the selfish part of you hated it. Basically all of your friends had left you. You knew that Luna was going back though, so I mean you had her. When you went to the train station the next day, it was almost empty. Normally it's packed with people. It felt strange. 

'Please come back for me!' You said to Fred as you got onto the train. The goodbyes were always the hardest because you had no idea when you would see them next. You walked onto the train and you saw Luna sat with Neville. You joined them and then leaned onto Lunas shoulder as the train left. You cried a little bit because you already missed Fred. 

'It's going to be so strange this year.' Luna said while stroking your face. 'I'm a bit scared I'm not going to lie.' Neville said quietly. 'I think that we all are. None of us know what were going into really and I mean, none of us know how many of us will be coming home.' After you said that you realised that you probably shouldn't of because the whole carriage fell silent, and that's how it stayed for the rest of the ride.          

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now