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'It's from the ministry' Fred said whilst sitting next to you. Your mother died while giving birth to you so your father was the only family you had. He travelled a lot for work which is why you always stayed with the Weasleys. He worked fighting death eaters in different countries, to try and stop them supporting Voldemort. You never liked him working in that job because you were always scared that he would never come home. You couldn't tell anyone about how many times he had almost been killed because he didn't know himself. 

You heart was racing and your mind filled with tears. Your hands were shaking as you opened the letter. You pulled it out as everyone crowed around you waiting for you to read it out. 

'Dear y/n, I'm sorry to inform you that I have some unfortunate news about your father-' You stopped reading because you knew where this was going. You set the letter down in the table and walked to Fred's room. Fred followed you as Molly kept reading it. 'Sadly, his body was recovered from Malfoy Manor an few days ago. It seems that the death eaters in Rome kidnapped him and transported him back the the UK, for Voldemort to deal with. We understand this is a grate loss for you and we are willing to pay for all of the funeral costs. Again, we are sorry his happened, he was a fighter.'

'Y/n, beautiful, it's ok!' He had his arms wrapped around you as you sobbed. Fred was the only thing that was holding you up in that moment and if he let go, you would of fallen to the floor. 'I begged him not to go! I told him this would happen! Now I'm alone!' Fred hugged you tighter. 'Your not alone because you have me!'

Your father never remarried because he never saw the point. He was heart broken after your mother died and he didn't think that he would fine anyone he loves more or even the same as he loved her. When you were a young girl, probably about 5, you used to sit outside his bedroom door at night and listen to him cry himself to sleep. You hated doing and even at that young age it hurt you, but you needed to know that he wasn't going to leave like your mother left. You needed to know that he was ok, even if he was hurting which hurt you.   

'Freddie?' you said catching your breath. 'Yes beautiful?' he answered. 'Never leave me. I don't know if I'll be able to live without you.' Fred pressed his nose against yours. 'I wouldn't even dream about it princess.'         

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now