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When the train stopped outside of Hogwarts, Everyone slowly started to get up and get off of the train. You sat there and looked up at the school from the window for a moment. 'Are you coming?' Luna asked. You looked at her and smiled before getting up. You grabbed her hand as you walked into the gates to the school. 'We're gonna be fine y/n. Harry, Hermione and Ron are doing the hardest bit, we just need to be prepared.' Neville said trying to comfort you. 'By being prepared, do mean living in fear because that's what we're going to be doing. Everyday, every noise we hear. We are going to think the worst. I'm terrified. I have no idea why everyone seems to calm!' Luna squeezed your hand tightly. 'We all need to stay calm, nothing might not even happen.' You looked up Neville, mad about what he just said. 'THERE IS A HORCRUX IN THE SCHOOL! HARRY WILL COME HERE LOOKING FOT IT WHICH WILL ATTRACKED VOLDEMORT!'

You took a deep breath as everyone stared at you. Draco gave you evil eyes and you let go on Lunas hand and walked ahead. You wanted to be alone, even though you really didn't want to be at the same time. You pulled your phone out and typed a text to Fred. It read: Freddie, I've been here for less then 10 minutes and I'm loosing it. I just screamed that Voldemort was coming in front of everyone and I really need you- You stopped typing. You couldn't send him that for two reasons. One - it would just make him sad and feel bad for you and two- he'll think that you've lost it. Instead you send him a text saying I love you and I miss you. You send it and then put your phone away as you approached the school. 

Snape was waiting outside like Dumbledore always used to, but this time it felt so different. It normally felt warm and welcoming but this... this felt cold and gloomy. You walked over to him and then past him. You were the first person to enter the hall. There were only about seven teachers sat at the top waiting for students because the rest were to scared to come back. You went and sat down at the Gryffindor table as everyone else slowly joined you. Normally the hall would be packed but now...there was no one. You all barely filled half of it. There would be more people there staying for Christmas any other year then this year. 

Luna and Neville came and sat next to you as Snape walked to the front of the room. They sorted the 12 new students into their houses and then you all ate. After you all finished, you and Neville went back to the Gryffindor common rooms while Luna went back to her dorm. As you said there, you were joined by Dean and Seamus. 'I want to go home.' Seamus said while you all stared into the fire. 'I'm  surprised you mother let you even come.' You replied to him. 'She wasn't going to, but I convinced her that I needed to come. I told her I needed to fight. What about your dad anyway? I thought he was protective over you?' You looked up from the fire with tears in your eyes. You looked at Seamus and said 'I got a letter a few days ago telling me he died. He was working in Rome but the death eaters caught him and then Voldemort killed him.' They all looked at you sadly. 'I'm sorry I shouldn't of-' You cut him off 'You didn't kill him so you don't need to be sorry. I guess the good thing about this year is I get my own room... Even though I'll be terrified the entire time...' 

After staying in the common room for a while, you all went back to your dorms. You tried to make everyone stay in the common room as long as you could, but eventually they all left anyway. Your dorm felt so empty. There were 4 empty beds. You laid in one that was away from the windows and the door awake. You couldn't sleep. You tossed and turned all night before you called Fred. He didn't answer you. You didn't blame him, it was 3am. You text him saying how sad you was and how much you wanted to be home. After you sent it, you text him again apologising for messaging him, calling him and probably worrying him.

At 4am, you got out of bed and put your slippers on. You then walked out of your room and into Deans, Neville's and Seamus'. As you walked in you saw them all sat up in their beds, looking tired not talking. Neville looked at you, just before the others did and asked 'Are you ok?' You walked over to him crying. He moved over and hugged you, while you sobbed into him. Dean and Seamus also came over and hugged you. You eventually cried yourself to sleep in all of their arms, as they all held you.    


Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now