Neville's comfort

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**Two weeks later**

The past two weeks had been different. You hadn't had contact with the Weasley's at all even though you keep getting letters from George telling you that he needs you. You left bad for him but at the same time he made no attempt to stop you from leaving so when ever you got a letter form him you would burn it after you read it. Seamus would always ask who the letters were from but you wouldn't tell him that they were from George because you knew that he wouldn't like it. The only person that did know was Neville. He was the person that you were the closest to there, mainly because you both bonder over the small things like the plants that you saw and the hikes that you would all have to go on to make contact with the real world.

You had all been staying up in a cave in the mountains and would try to use magic as little as possible so you couldn't be traced back up their but sometimes you just had to use it. It would mainly be for things like lighting a fire after Seamus would get frustrated and give up putting you all in a bad mood. You slept in the same sleeping bag as Neville for two reasons. You got cold very easily and the only clothes that you had were the ones from the funder which was a dress. That also meant that you stole a lot of the boys clothes because they had a lot more then you did. The second reason was that you just didn't have one and Neville was the first person and the nicest person to offer so you took it. 

You were currently wrapped up in Neville's arms as he was sleeping in his blue sleeping bag. Everyone was asleep but Dean's snoring was keeping you awake. It was probably around one in the morning but it was hard to tell. Your phone had died a long time ago so they only way you knew what the time was, was because Neville had taught you how the tell the time from the position of the moon. There was a crack in the top of the cave so that's where you looked out from to see it. 

His embrace was warm but not warm enough so you used your wand and started a fire in the middle of all three of you. You didn't mean to, but by doing that you accidently woke Neville up. He sat up slightly to look over your shoulder to see your face when he saw your tired eyes and that you were still awake. He leaned forwards and kissed your temple lightly making you look up at him, realising that he was awake and that you had just woken him up. 

'Oh Nev, I'm so sorry, I didn't men to wake you!' He smiled lightly and laid back down behind you. You turned yourself to face him but made sure that he was still holing you because you needed his warmth to fight off the cold. 

'Don't be sorry, I don't want you laying awake alone.' He said smiling. You smiled back and the moved your face into his chest. He rested his head on yours as you closed your eyes for another attempt yo sleep but you heard movement and it scared you both. You both jumped as a letter landed on your legs in the sleeping bag. You sat forwards and picked it up and saw that it was George's hand writing.

You were just about to burn it without reading it but Neville took it from your hand and told you to open it. You were scared to though because what if something happened and you didn't know? It took a bit of encouragement but you finally decided that it was time to just open the letter.  

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