The Unknown

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'We are staring right now!' A smile grew on your face, but Fred lessoned. 'What?' you asked him. 'Y/n is really weak right now, I don't know if this is a good idea.' You jumped out of his arms and stood to prove that you weren't as weak as he was making you sound. 'Fred I know you don't like this and you feel like you messed up, but y/n needs to learn how to live before she leaves.' Fred still looked disappointed in himself but nodded. You kissed his cheek and then followed Sirius outside. Everyone followed and sat down on the chairs watching you, which made you feel nervous. 

'Do we know what animal you even are?' Everyone looked over at Fred who looked down not knowing the answer. 'It's fine, well soon find out' you said, trying to lighten the mood. 'Ok, so I need you to focus on me and me only. I need you to imagine yourself as whatever animal you think that you are, so I mean just take a guess' You started to think about becoming a bird. You had white feathers, with a long yellow beak. 'Ok, so now you have that image imagine the process of your body becoming that animal. How would your body have t change to become that animal?' The more you thought about it the more nervous you became. Once you were ready, you nodded and your body stared to change form. It felt as though you were dying because all of the air was being sucked out of you, but at the same time you could breathe fine. 

You felt a lot shorter and everyone's faces were smiling. You looked down and say that you had bird toes, white feathers, wings! You were so happy with yourself. You stretched out your wings and started to flap them. The next thing you realised is that your feel were off the ground and that you were flying around the burrow. You looked down and saw everyone laughing as they watched you. You then swerved down and flew right past Fred's head because he was refusing to watch you. That caught his attention and he started to watch. You flew around for a moment before landing.

'Ok, so switching back is a lot easier because you just need to imaging your human form.' You started to think about yourself, but then you thought about all of the other things you could be. You started to think about a cat that looked just like Hermione's. Once you were ready you turned yourself into it. Once you did you were confused. Normally you can only turn yourself into one animal, why are you two? 

'Fred, what did you put into that potion?' Sirius asked him, also confused. 'I just followed the instructions in the book!' As they spoke you walked over, still as a cat and sat on Fred's lap. He started to stroke you, which seemed very strange, but now you knew why cats liked it so much, because it felt soooo good. After he stooped you kept head butting him, and rubbing yourself against him but he didn't start again. To then get his attention you clawed him a few times and the he started to stroke you again, smiling. 

After a few hours of being back in your normal state, you fell asleep on Fred in the living room, while they still were discussing the potion. 'She can transform into multiple different animals, surely that's a good thing. I mean, we all know what's going to happen this year.' Harry explained making a fair, but harsh point. 'Are you saying that you want to use my girlfriend to help win the battle?!' Fred aggressively stated. 'I'm saying that if she makes the choice, she can help us. If she doesn't want to then fine, but that's her choice Fred, not yours. But I mean at least she can get away during the battle.'

Harry was making some fair point but he brought the entire mood down in the house. No one really spoke, even after you woke up. You asked what was happening but no one told you. After dinner, an owl flew through the window and dropped you off a letter. It was from the ministry. You instantly knew that something that happened to your father.                       

Dear Fred, Love Y/nHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin