George's letter

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Dear y/n,

I know that your getting my letters and it hurts me that your choosing not to answer, but I also do understand. I chose to let you walk away from me that was stupid because I need you. I tried to go on without you but the truth is I just can't. You bring me comfort that I've never felt before and I- I just need you in my arms again. 

Ron fucked us up and I hate him for it. The past two weeks I've spent in my room feeling sorry for myself that I messed it up with you so much. I don't know where you are or who your with, but all I want to know is that your alive, so please write back to me. I'm begging you. If anything happened to you I will never stop blaming myself because I'm the person, the stupid person who let you leave. 

Mum's worried too. I asked her. Everyone is, even Ron. I heard them talking about you last night from my room. Mum was crying and Ron kept saying that it was his fault and I honestly agree with him. I cant help but feel like it was all of our faults though. None of us said anything to make you feel welcome which is why it hurts just that bit more. 

Fred would call me an idiot if he was here. Crying in my room while writing a letter to his girlfriend that left because of me. This is such a Fred thing to be doing right now.

I miss you y/n and I know that you probably won't answer me but I just want you to know that I love you....

Love Georgie XOXO  

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