Sleepless Nights

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The next morning you woke up still in Neville's arms. You looked up at him and he was stroking your hair. You looked around for Seamus and Dean and they were sat on their beds, looking rather tired dressed, ready for the day. You looked back up at Neville and he also looked tried. 'Was it me? That kept you all wake?' you said shyly. 'You were screaming and crying in your sleep. All night.' Seamus snapped at you. Seamus and you were good friends, but he was always snappy with everyone when he was tired. Neville pulled you closer to him as he noticed that you felt guilty. You did just walk into their room in the middle of the night, then continued to keep them awake. 'I'm sorry...' you said trying not to cry. 'Hey, It's aright petal! It's not a big deal!' Neville said trying to comfort you. 

You forced yourself to go and get dressed. You met everyone in the common room and then went to charms class. Professor Flitwick was still there so he taught the lesson, but the class only had about 10 people in. You always made sure that you were with someone and you never went anywhere alone, unless it was the bathroom but you still made sure that someone waited outside for you. This went on for weeks. You couldn't bare the thought of being alone and something happening. You text Fred everyday. He would normally always text first asking 'Are you ok?!' or 'What's happening?!' You liked that he cared and you appreciated that he was worried for you, but at the same time it made you panic because you thought that he knew something that you didn't.

Every night you slept in the boys room because you hated being alone. You hated being alone so much that every night you would beg one of them to let you sleep in their beds with them. Sometimes they would say yeah, but the few times you didn't you would lay next to them on the floor. Neville stood on you a few times, which caused you to panic but you kept doing it because sometimes you woke you from your nightmares. You would dream about the battle and people dying and sometimes you even saw yourself dying. The worst ones were when you saw Fred die. Those ones were the most common. When one of the boys woke you up, they would tell you about how much you were screaming and crying while you slept and how much you were saying 'don't leave me!' You hated it because you knew it kept them up at night so eventually you tried to sleep in the common room. You would fall asleep while there were people in there and by the time you woke up there were people again, but it didn't last very long because after a few nightmares there was no one to console you, so you woke up the entire Gryffindor tower. 

Professor McGonagall started t notice that you had become restless but there was nothing she could do or say to comfort you. After a few more weeks, you started to share a room with her because she caught you sleeping in the common room almost every night, and then you would cry when she told you to go to your dorm. She would comfort you in the middle on the night after you woke up and she wouldn't go back to sleep until after you. 

The closer you became with her the more you opened up about being an Animagus, which would be long talks into the night, bonding over it. You were the only two in the school so you could only really understand each other. She asked you what animal you were, and you just told her that it was a long and complicated story, but you were any and every animal you could picture enough in your head. She understood and she never really asked again. 

In defence against the dark arts class Remus said the words that you dreaded him ever saying again. 'Now as you know, Hogwarts in under deep threat. I don't want to panic you but the teachers have decided that it's time to prepare you for the war.' 

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now