PTSD and anxiety

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Your hands were shaking so much that Neville had to take the letter form you, from the fear of you dropping it into the fire. He placed it into the floor in front of you as he pulled you into his chest. You let out a few choked sobs into him, trying to be quite because Seamus and Dean were sleeping. Your hand covered your mouth as you started to cry harder, physically gasping for air every few seconds. You continued to scan the letter where you saw tear stains from where George had clearly been crying while writing to you. Neville was rubbing your back, shushing you and just trying to calm you down before the others woke up, but it was too late. 

'What's the matter?' Dean whispered from a few feet away. As soon as Dean spoke, Seamus' head shot up holding his wand out ready to attack at any moment because he didn't know what was going on. 

You and Neville both stayed quite but then they both noticed the letter in front of you. Dean came over and sat next to you and hugged you while Seamus read the letter that you hadn't taken your eyes off. When he was done he stared at you rolling his eyes and shaking his head.  

'You joking? George Weasley of all people? I thought that you said they hated you?' He barked at you, just making your crying worse. 'Sea, leave it.' Dean snapped back at him but that clearly just irritated him more. 'He's obviously wrote more then once because he said that you were ignoring him, why didn't you tell us?!' 

You could tell that he was just getting madder and madder from the way that he was talking to you. It didn't take a lot to annoy Seamus but him going from annoyed to mad within seconds is rare because normally Dean would be able to calm him down but it just wasn't happening. Seamus was continuing to yell at you while Dean yelled back at him trying to defend you. Neville kept whispering in your ear to ignore it but it was so hard to. 

You never told anyone, but after the war you started to get a lot of PTSD with loud noises and yelling.  It would never normally be that bad because you were normally either in control of the situation or you were just able to leave, like the day at Fred's funeral but this was neither of those. You were just there listing to them yell at each other and it was heavy on your mind. The entire war was playing on repeat in your head. All those dead bodies.....

Neville was the only person that knew about your PTSD and anxiety because he was super quick to open up about his own experiences while you were hiking together one day, so you just took the opportunity while you were on the subject and told him. He was supper supportive over it and promised yo help you whenever you needed it, like now.      

Your heart was beating outside of your chest and you were sweating. You couldn't stop your hands from shaking while you had your eyes wide open on Neville's chest. Every time you blinked your saw the scene that you saw at Hogwarts that last time that you were there. Tears were streaming down your cheeks to the point where you had no control until your breathing started to get shallower and louder, which finally caught Seamus' and Dean's attention. They both looked at you sharply to see that Neville was struggling to keep you calm.

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