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'What makes you think that?' He snarled back trying to hide his grin. You couldn't hold your anger back anymore and you just wanted him to say it. It had been a long and hard day for all of you and it wasn't even over yet, so the fact that he wouldn't just spit it out did start to bother you.

'Ron, I really just want to know. Please just spit it out.' Molly started at you with sympathy as George walked up behind you, again, clearly had been crying from what you had yelled at him and just at the world. You didn't know he was there though. Molly looked like she was about to say something but Ron started to talk before she had the chance. 

'Today was my brothers funeral and you still found a way to make it about yourself didn't you? It's always been about you since the battle. Not once has anyone asked anyone but you or George if we were ok. It hurts us just as bad as it hurts you. Your selfish y/n. You have no consideration for anyone else's feelings apart from your own.' 

A few tears rolled down your cheeks, picking up speed as they did. You quickly looked down and to the side as you wiped them, tugging at your skin as you did. When you looked back up no one said anything. They clearly all thought the same thing but just didn't want to say it. George reached out to grab your arm but you moved so that he couldn't touch you as you slowly backed away.

'I'm sorry that I've been an inconvenience to you all... You should of said sooner because if you did I would of left a long time ago.' You smiled as more tears trickled down your cheeks as you backed away more before finally turning and walking away. You heard Molly calling your name and following you but you picked up your speed and started to walk faster to the point there she couldn't keep up with you. You didn't want her to feel like she had to follow you because deep down you knew that she didn't want to.

You found yourself in a dark alley way. It was cold, damp and people were staring at you as you walked past. There were fireworks going off in the distance and you knew that they were from the funeral because that's what was planned last night. There were people in dark cloaks starting to surround you and you started to get a bit uneasy when you looked up and saw a familiar face.  

'What the blood hell are you doing here?!' They asked. As soon as you heard their voice you broke down and ran into their arms. You hadn't seen them since the battle and were worried about them. They never replied to your letters. Before you stood Seamus, Neville and Dean. 

'I want to go home.' You choked out between your sobs. Neville walked forwards and pulled you into his arms as Seamus and Dean pulled you both out of the dark alley way. You were somehow at Hogsmeade but you had no idea how you even got there. Nothing made sense but you were with your friends now and that's all that mattered.

'Let's get you back the the burrow.' Dean said smiling as you walked into his hug, not knowing anything that had just happened. You shook your head into his chest and cried harder making all of their faces form a confused look. Dean pulled back from your hug and looked down at you finally allowing you to see his confused face.

'What happened y/n?'

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now