Spotting the diffrence

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You were sat back in your seat with George holding your hand. You didn't feel anything anymore. You spoke out your emotions and there was just nothing left inside you anymore. You didn't want to be there and you didn't know what else to say. There was nothing to say. No one else was in the room though. Just you and George, sat, hand in hand, staring into space together. Fred's coffin was there. It was white and covered in fireworks. It brightened up the dark and cold room you were in. You didn't feel the cold though. You were numb.

'Are you two coming?' You heard Molly ask calmly from across the room. George looked over but you didn't move a single muscle in your body. There were tears remains down your cheeks from your speech but no more were forming. You were tired of crying. George looked down at you but didn't say anything. Molly walked over and took your hand but you still didn't look at her. You did change what you were looking at though. From the floor to Fred's coffin. You smiled weakly at it before looking back down at the floor. Molly and George looked at each other concerned when Arthur joined you all. He came over and called your name. You had no reaction. He lifted your face from under your chin when he finally had your attention.

'Let's go outside.' He said with a smile plastered across his face, trying to hide the pain and suffering he was feeling beneath. 'Sure.' You whispered back, trying not to just break out and start sobbing in a ball on the floor.

You slowly stood up, Molly's and George's hands facing from your lap. You walked slightly ahead of Arthur, allowing him to put his hand on your shoulder as he followed you out. You stopped in front of Fred's coffin and put your hand on it. You tried to hold back your tears but couldn't. You felt the warmth roll down your cheeks as you leaned over and put your head down on top of it.

'I'm so sorry.' You whispered. 'This is all my fault.' You added. You kissed the coffin lightly before continuing to walk out of the room and outside to everyone else, leaving Molly and George behind.

As soon as you closed the door George sobbed and fell into Molly's arms. She shushed him as she rubbed his back, trying not to cry herself. They both took each others hands, interlocking their fingers and walked over to his coffin. Your tears were still there, formed in a puddle that George added to. Molly placed her hand on it and George looked at her and smiled.

'There's always a positive to this mum...' She looked at him confused. 'What?' She asked with a broken voice. 'You'll be able to tell us apart now...' Molly looked at him with wide eyes as he looked back at the coffin while they both broke down.

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now