Georgie or Freddie?

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As you glared at Ron, who was still staring into the fire, you felt George moving and looked down to see him wide awake and laughing at you for yelling at Ron. You slowly started to smile, trying to keep your cool but as George laughed harder you burst out laughing. Everyone was laughing apart from Ron who was sulking looking into the fire. He quickly got up and left the room leaving the rest of you. Hermione smiled at you before following him, shaking her head. Molly looked at you and said 'someone had to say it' before she left laughing leaving you and George alone again.

'I must say y/n, I never thought you had it in you.' He said while still laughing at you. 'I have a lot in me George, you just don't know about it.' He looked up at you and smirked before sitting up and staring into your eyes. For some reason you felt connected to him. It could of been the fact that he looked identical to Fred but maybe it was something more. 

'I- c-can i-' he questioned before stopping himself. 'No, ask' you said to him slightly concerned. 'It's stupid' he explained as he got up and moved over to the window. You paced the blanket on the chair and followed him over to the window and looked up at him, making him slowly look back down at you. 'Ask me.' You said while he let out a cheeky smile. 'I think it's too soon to ask though...' You frowned at him because you were genuinely confused for a moment before he put his hands on your hips and pinned you against the wall. You smiled slightly because it happened so fast. 'Can I kiss you y/n? ...I know it's soon which is why-' You quickly cut him off by kissing him passionately because you needed to feel your lips against his. 

A million thoughts raced through your head as you kissed him. Was this you trying to find Fred or was there actually something there? It had only been a week after all. Before you could think anymore George picked you up and you wrapped your arms around his waist. His hands trailed across your body as he continued to kiss you until be pulled away briefly to allow you to both catch your breath. As you did you stared into each others eyes and smiled. 'Fred chose good.' You smirked again before moving your hands to the back of his neck and pulling him in again. He laughed as you did and then pulled you away from the wall and threw you on the chair, not breaking the kiss. He pulled his wand out of his pocket and closed the door, locking it and put a silencing spell on the room. He then dropped his wand on the floor and his hands trailed your body while he smiled. He pulled away for a moment and said 'Do you want me to continue?' You smirked at him before nodding while you pulled him back down to you by pulling his shirt.   

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now