When your asleep

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After a few minutes, Molly walked into the room to see why you didn't join them in the kitchen. When she seen that George was asleep on you, she grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders as she saw you shivering. She left the room shortly after with a smile on her face but came back with a mug of tea for you. She placed it on the table and sat down next to you, allowing you to lean onto her while she also held her tea. She kissed the top on your head and smiled at you as you sighed into Georges head while you still rubbed his back. 

'What made him come down?' She asked you, breaking the silence that filled the room like a presence of a ghost that just entered the room and was staring at you. 'I'm not to sure, I think it might because of tomorrow.' You said coldly. Molly knew that you didn't like the plans for the funeral because no one did. She made them because she was thinking about the family that was coming and not what Fred would of wanted. She admitted that but she would never tell George that. 'Do you think I should change it?' She asked you, her voice breaking with pain at the thought. 'Do you think that I should change Fred's funeral plan?' She asked again with a slightly lighter tone. 'I think-' You started, but stopped yourself as George moved in his sleep. Once you were sure he was fully asleep again, snoring, you started again. 'I think that George was a little hurt you didn't ask him to help you' 

The room fell silent again as it began to rain. You looked out of the window as the rain ran down the glass like the tears that fall on your cheeks several times a day. You looked out and remembered the time that Fred ran outside with you, holding your hand is his, and picked you up while dancing. You were freezing so he gave you his jumper and then you came inside where Molly made you both hot chocolate. You looked at Molly who was also glazing out of the window, probably thinking the same thing until she looked back at you.

'Something you want to say dear?' She asked you with a calm tone, but also with a warm voice. You looked back out of the window and nodded slightly. 'Does everything remind you of him? Like... I cant think or look at anything because there's a memory attached to it. You know?' You rested your head back down as George opened his eyes and moved up your chest more so your heads were almost touching. He stared into the fire for a while before closing his eyes again while you rubbed his back. Molly ever answered your question though because as soon as George closed his eyes, Ron walked into the room with Hermione. They were officially dating now, so they came in holding hands and she snuggled into him on the floor by the fire.

'I have my speech ready for tomorrow mum.' He said with almost no emotion in his voice. Hermione looked at you for a moment before smiling at seeing George. 'Ron, George is in here.' She said trying to lighten the mood but Ron didn't look away from the fire. 'That's nice.' He snapped back before, again the room falling quite apart from the rain smacking against the window. No one dared to say anything to Ron when he was in a mood like that apart from you. why should he get away with it? 

'Ron... I have an issue with you and I think you know that.' You explained with no emotion. 'You think that you can just move on from this but I'll tell you something.... Just because you can, doesn't mean everyone else can ok? You think that you have time to do the things you want to do and you want to move on so bad... but the truth is, is that you are terrified to end like Fred did. Your scared that you won't get the tie to do the things you want to do. And your embarrassed to tell anyone because you've had to be strong for so long, for Harry. I think that they way you've been acting is fucking discussing because your an insensitive piece of shit who thinks he can get away from his problems. Grow the fuck up Ron.'   

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now