Change of plans

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When you got into George's room he smiled as you closed the door. 'Couldn't stay away? Could you?' He said smirking as he sat with his shirt off. You rolled your eyes and went over and sat next to him.

He instantly started to kiss you again so your hand to forcefully push him off to make him look at you properly. 'Your mum wants to talk to you about something.' You did calmly, in a soft voice. 'I told her I would bring it up to you first though....' he frowned at you in confusion. 'What are you talking about?' He asked. 'She asked me if I thought that you would want to help her replan Fred's funeral. I told her that I think you would buy I would have to ask.' You watched his face fall and look away from you.

'George, you know what he would of wanted. This might be the last thing you ever get to do for him. Please, I know it's hard but I'll be with you the whole time. The funeral is literally tomorrow, if we're gonna do this we need to do it now.' You added, trying to encourage him. He looked up and smiled at you. 'Do you really think I should do this?' He asked, sounding unsure of himself. You nodded and his smile grew bigger. He pulled you in for a hug where he held you for a moment, just in his embrace which felt warm and comforting.

'You should probably go down and start, there isn't a lot of time.' You added after a while of being held in his embrace. 'Can you- can you help me? Like come down and be there with me...?' He whispered in your ear. You gave a small smile and nodded into his chest. He kissed the top of your head and you both walked downstairs together.

You went into the kitchen where you sat down next to George and Molly while she got out a load of paper work and her phone to call people to change the plans. You sat together for hours laughing as you planned what would happen tomorrow because that's what Fred would of wanted you to do.

Eventually, when it was dark out, you finally finished. Ron was hunting the kitchen for food that Molly didn't have time to cook because she was busy so he started to get frustrated, which started to annoy you. George noticed that he was stressing you out so he took your hand and took you for a walk in the fields that surround the burrow.

'Why did you bring me out?' You asked making him smile trying not to laugh. 'I could see that you wanted to punch Ron in the face, so I thought it would be better to take you out for a while. Plus I haven't left the house in a week so I mean, it was also because it's starting to feel claustrophobic in there.' You understood how he was feeling because you started to feel like that while staying there so you started to take walks with Hermione and Harry every now and then.

It started to get cold so you started to shiver because you didn't take a jacket, even after George told you to. He was walking slightly ahead of you so he didn't notice how cold you were until you ran forwards and moved his arm around your shoulder. He laugh, before looking down and saw that your teeth were chattering. You looked up and plastered a smile on your face to try and hide the fact that you were cold, but he didn't smile back. He stopped walking and took his jacket off and put it around you, which was when he smiled. 'I didn't need that!' You snapped at him, making him laugh historically. 'Of course you didn't.' He managed to crook out between laughs. You rolled your eyes and kept walking forwards when he ran over to you, picking you up and carrying you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist while resting your head in the crook of his neck.

When you got back to the burrow, you had fallen asleep in his arm but he didn't realise. He walked into the kitchen to sit you on the counter when he finally noticed when Molly slapped his arm from almost waking you. 'Take her upstairs George. She can have her dinner when she wakes up.' Molly whispered to him.

George carried you upstairs and laid you down on his bed. As he went to leave, you called his name in your sleep by the time he got to the door. He turned around to see you asleep still, but he came back over and laid next to you, pulling you into him.

'I never told you y/n... but I think I love you... and I think I have for a while... like before you got with Freddie.'

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now