I love you

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After you hung up the phone, Seamus took it from you because your entire body became weak. Your breathing picked up and you felt extremely light headed. Remus walked out of his classroom and walked over to you. 'What's going on?' he asked while noticing that you had about three people holding you up. 'I- I don't feel-' Before you could finish that sentence, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and fell forwards. Remus caught you as you fell and then laid you down on the ground. Dean ran and got Madam Pomfrey who then insisted you go to the hospital wing.

Your eyes slowly opened to see a crowd of people stood over you looking down at you. 'Y/n, do you feel up to walking, my love?' You heard an older woman say in a soft spoken voice. 'I just want to go home...' You whispered back while rolling onto your side. 'Y/n, I need to check you over.' A handed extended out in front of you and you took it. It was Remus. He pulled you up and you almost fell again, but he caught you before you did. 'I'm just hungry!' you demanded, not wanting to go to the hospital wing. 'Don't be stubborn, come on!' You rolled your eyes. You weren't strong enough to stand on your own you you had no choice but yo follow whoever was holding you up at that point, which was Remus. He started walking in the direction of the hospital wing, and as he dragged you, you looked back and said 'Seamus, I want my phone!' Everyone laughed before slowly following you.

When you got to the hospital wing, Pomfrey ran some tests, but she only came to the same conclusion that you told them it was. 'Y/n you need to start eating and drinking more. You don't know what will happen in the next few hours, days, weeks or months and we need you to be at your strongest for when the battl-' You stood up and cut her off. 'Thank you Pomfrey, I'll take your advice. I appreciate it.' You gave her a fake smile before leaving. 

'Y/n what was that about?!' Luna said running after you. 'Luna, please I really don't want to-' You looked down and saw the Fred was calling you. You quickly answered it and ran past Luna. 

F - Y/n?! Are you ok, beautiful?! Were you crying?!

Y - I'm ok, it was nothing I just-

F - What is it?

Y - I really miss you. There's like no one here and everyday there's something different and I just can't cope. (you started to brake down on the phone to him)

F - It's ok, were going to be together soon! Harry, Ron and Hermione have already found 4 horcruxes. The next one is at the school. We just need to get there!

Y - How long?

F - Were not sure yet, but it will be soon so please, baby, keep an eye out and try and learn as many spells now while you have the time. (you started to year yelling and screaming in the background) I ugh- I have to go baby, but I love you so much!

Y - I love you too... (the line went dead)

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now