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'We can't stay here forever...' Dean finally admitted. 'We have to get get out of here and get back to our families. This isn't good. For any on us.' Everyone nodded in agreement apart from you. Neville, Dean and Seamus had basically become your family. You knew that the Weasleys didn't really want you there and you always just get useless the whole time. You couldn't go back there. It wasn't fair on them to take you back after what you did.

It was agreed that the idea would be slept on but you couldn't sleep. You laid awake in the cave while George's arms were wrapped around you. You couldn't go back to that life. You were happy here. Even though it had its rough patch's, it was your home and you couldn't just leave.

You somehow managed to wriggle out fo George's arms and walk out of the cave to sit alone and look down the cliff to all of the moving traffic. You knew that everyone was asleep so it really gave you time to sit there and reflect about everything that was happening. Everything that was changing in your live that led you to this moment. You didn't have long to think before someone's hand came around your waist and sat down beside you. From their sent you knew that it was George. You didn't really want him next to you but at the same time you wasn't about to tell him to leave you alone. You leaned your head onto his shoulder and asked him not to say anything which he didn't. He looked out with you wrapping both his arms around you and watching the same things as you. Even though there was so much to thing about, your minds were blank but racing at the same time. It's a hard thing to explain but you know what I'm talking about.

It's crazy how one day can change your entire life. You thought back to the first time you stepped a foot into hogwarts and how you instantly felt at home. The presence was warm and comforting. The place where you met your soulmate and was finally happy after years of sadness and depression. The place you could call home. Hogwarts was your hireath. A homesickness for a place you and return to... or that never was....

'Georgie, I can't leave here. It's home.... I haven't felt so at home like this since the first time I went to hogwarts. It's not fair for you to stay with me so I know that you should go and leave me here. I'll be alright you know. Seamus, Dean and Neville taught me everything I need to know to survive on my own in case I ever needed it and I think nows that time. You can go and be happy with your family and I can be happy on my own. Like I always was destined to be.'

Those were the words you wanted to speak to George. The words that you never actually got a chance to speak because he was never there. You were never in a cave with Seamus, Dean or Neville and there wasn't Fred's funeral because the truth was... there was never a war....

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now