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You remove your helmet and shake your head. "Sorry guys- I cant do this any more"

"WHAT?!" Blue removes her helmet and stares at you. "Are you crazy? We need everyone for this mission!"

Everyone else turns around and looks towards you. You feel slightly ashamed that you let down the team.

You get fired from your job as an astronaut and everyone shames you for chickening out. The other astronauts couldn't complete the mission without you and The Skeld blew up, breaking the ISS and multiple satellites.

Then there is a massive crisis over the satellites and pretty much all the electronics the world are broken so there is a massive war over who gets the few remaining satellites. Then it turns into a full-on nuclear war.

The entire human race (and most life in general) is wiped out in under 20 minutes.

Congrats Reader. You're a hero (!)

- You are dead -

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Where stories live. Discover now