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"It was Purple!"

"But you literally just defended Purple?!" Orange stated

"Ah yes but there was one point where Purple left! Brown when you first came in Purple wasn't there, right?"

"I WAS IN THE CAFETERIA!" Purple exclaimed

"And when Purple cape back, they had crisps" Brown added.

"It's clear to me who's sus" Orange said, then slammed his finger on his tablet.

You see people looking between you and Purple.

"I'm voting White." Blue said.

Nooooo- you thought. Lots of people were influenced by Blue. Everyone had voted aside from you, Brown, Purple, Red, Cyan, Black and Yellow.

You notice everyone staring at you from across the table. Red looks towards you and nods, before voting

"Honestly, believe me! I'm innocent!" You plead the others.

Purple glares at you from beneath her helmet. Purple votes.

"As I said, Purple definitely went to the cafeteria." Brown states before voting.

You look across the table at Cyan. You stare at each other for a while, then Cyan breaks eye contact and votes.

Three votes remaining.

Black votes.

Two votes remaining.

You stay true to your accusation.

One vote remaining

Oh yeah. Yellow is still fainted on the floor.

Time is up

Red voted for Purple
Orange voted for White
Yellow didn't vote
Green voted for Purple (Blue glares at Green)
-Lime is dead-
Blue voted for White
Cyan voted for White
Purple voted for White
Pink voted for White
Brown voted for White
Black voted for skip
White voted for Purple

Blue rips off your helmet. You get thrown out of the trash chute. You float off into deep space, some people cheering, some choking back tears, some trying to process what just happened.

You feel yourself suffocating. Painfully, you try to inhale but you can't. There's nothing there. Your lungs feel achy and then like they're burning. You can see The Skeld and everyone looking out of the window, then your vision begins to blur, then turns black, as your life slips away from you.

- You are Dead -

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Where stories live. Discover now