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"I don't have a clue who the other person is. But let's worry about that after, right?" You decide.

The crewmates agree.

Red voted for Pink
Orange voted for Pink
Yellow voted for Pink
Green voted for Pink
-Lime is dead-
Blue voted for Pink
-Cyan is dead-
Purple voted for Pink
Pink voted for skip
Brown voted for Pink
-Black is dead-
White voted for Pink

"Bye Pink" Purple smirks.

Blue leads the cremates down to storage, dragging Pink. Pink squirms and fights back, and Blue asks Green for assistance.

Brown sticks close to your side as you walk down.

After reaching the trash, Blue orders Orange and Yellow to hold Pink still whilst she removes Pink's helmet and Green takes her tablet. Breaking down in tears, Pink stops fighting. "Please. Don't do this. I knew you don't want to" she pleads, looking up at Green who was holding the tablet.

Green falters for a second, and changes his mind. "We don't have to do this, do we? Just because she was alone didn't mean she did it"

"Ugh, you're too soft Green" Blue scolds. "We need to make tough decisions to stay alive"

"But, it could be someone else... if there's two imposters, they could provide each other's alibis right? So that makes it even less likely to be Pink!"

Blue just shakes her head. "We have already made our choice. Pink is leaving"

Orange struggles to push Pink into the trash chute, and Green pulls up the vitals on the tablet. Red walks over to the lever and pulls it, sending Pink out into space.

Green watches the vitals, then drops the tablet onto the floor, cracking the screen.

You think it's bad news until

"One down. One to go" Green states shakily

"YESS!" Orange exclaims

"I'm sorry guys" Green sadly admits, "if you had listened to me, Pink would have been able to kill us all"

"Yeah we know" Purple scoffs rudely.

"It's okay. We're only human, right? We all make mistakes" Brown consoles Green.

"The imposters are good at acting and blending in" Orange notes, "we need to be extra careful, but at least one of them is gone!"

"We can't celebrate just yet" Blue agrees, "there's still another imposter among us."

"Okay. How about we have dinner, have some free time, and head off to bed?" Green offers. "I know we're all a bit on edge right now"

His idea is very popular among the crewmates.

You all head up to the cafeteria.

The crewmates are all spread out on the five tables in the room. You are sat next to Brown.

"White, that could have been us!" Brown panics, "I mean, we almost went to the medbay! What would have happened if we-"

"But we didn't, so we're safe" you reassure him

"But there's still another imposter here! Sitting in the same room as us!" Brown reminds you, sounding very stressed.

"It's better than two?" You offer, not entirely sure how to calm Brown down.

"White we almost died" Brown continues. "In fact, think about it. Three of us have died so far. How many more have to die? And what if we vote out our crewmates?! I don't think it's going to be as easy to catch the other imposter"

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora