Page 59

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"Come on Purple" you say, heading for security.


"To security." You say

"Oh.... wires?" Purple questions

"No? To look at cams like before..." you say, confused

"WHAT?! Lime just got killed and all you want to do it hang around watching cams eating potato chips like everything's okay?" Purple exploded. "How do I know you're not the imposter?"

"WHAT?!" You almost shout

"We need to do our tasks so we can get the hell outta here." Purple began laughing "you wanna look at cams? Whilst people are dying? Fat chance. You can, but I'm doing tasks." she scolds you, before adding determinedly "For the team." Purple marches off down the hallway.

You begin following, then Purple shouts without even turning around "Don't even think about following me"

"Hey, you okay White?" Yellow asks you

"Yeah- I guess" you reply.

"It's not your fault" Orange tells you, "everyone's pretty worried, right?"

"Want to do tasks with us?" Yellow offers.

You accept, and the trio of you head off to the reactor. You all get to work, Orange and You unlocking manifolds and Yellow went across the room to start the reactor. You notice Orange keeps glancing towards Yellow.

"Hey. Something up?" You casually ask, pressing the numbers. 1,2,3,4...

"Huh?" Orange jumps, accidentally pressing 9 instead of 7. He then facepalms as he has to restart the sequence.

"Sooooo?" You ask again, pressing 5,6,7...

"Is something up?" Orange repeated. "Uhh the ceiling?" He joked nervously, pressing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,

"No I mean you keep looking at Yellow." You whisper, and Orange's hand shakes and he presses 10.

He curses under his breath at having to restart the task again, and then turns towards you.

8,9,10. You finish your task.

"I- well what's that supposed to mean?" Orange quickly responds

"Mmmm... do you like Yellow?" You teasingly whisper to Orange.

"I-I- well yeah like if you mean um as a fellow crewmate maybe a friend" Orange quickly stutters, obviously flustered. You have your answer right there.

"Mm okay" you say, obviously not convinced. Orange sighs in defeat.

Orange whispers "Okay. Yeah. But- please don't tell Yellow? I just don't want to-"

Then you cut him off. "HEY, Yellow!" You exclaim loudly, and Orange visibly panics as Yellow slowly turns around.

"Have you finished your task yet?" You say, and Orange is clearly relieved but also slightly annoyed at you.

"Yup. Ready to go?" Yellow asks.

"Orange isn't finished. He keeps messing up. I think something's distracting him." You very innocently suggest.

Yellow comes closer, and Orange hurriedly presses buttons all in the wrong order. Yellow laughs at Orange. "You know you have to do them from 1 to 10, right?"

"Y-Yeah I knew that..." Orange nervously answers

Orange finally manages to get the sequence right, and you head up to the cafeteria as it is dinner time. Everyone decontaminated (just in case) then are allowed to remove their helmets.

You sit next to Orange and Yellow at the round table. Yellow leaves to go toilet, and you ask Orange "sooo are you going to tell Yellow?"

Orange stresses out "no? Yeah? Wait nonono definitely no! ... Maybe?" Before groaning in frustration and leaning his head on his hands.

"Hey sit up normally Yellow is coming" you point out, and Orange quickly sits upright. He nervously taps on the table.

"I need a drink" he quickly declares, before rushing over to get some juice.

You have an idea. But is it a good idea or a bad idea?


- tell Yellow (Page 71)
- don't tell Yellow (Page 72)

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Where stories live. Discover now