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You make a split-second decision to get away before Purple sees you.

You slip over just before you get to the door. Purple laughs at you whilst you glare at her from behind your helmet. Even though you know she can't see you doing it.

"Goin' somewhere, are ya White?" Purple asks whilst sniggering, as you sit up

You notice Purple staring at you silently for a while, which you think is odd, but brush aside as you're thankful for the quiet. Then Purple erupts into even more laughter, before cruelly adding "shame your little friends aren't here to help you get up."

"Shut up Purple" you growl from the floor

"Need a hand?" Purple mockingly asks, jumping from her seat and offering you her hand up. You refuse to take it.

"What's wrong little White? Is it scawy being all alone?" She says in a baby voice.

"I don't know why you hate me so much, just leave me alone" you calmly demand, trying not to let your fear show.

To make matters worse, the lights burn out.

Brown enters security, then when he gets closer sees Purple looming menacingly over you. "Get out" Purple snarls at Brown, who quickly obeys. "And fix the lights while you're at it!"

You attempt to get to your feet and follow Brown out, however the door to Security slams shut. You whip around and look at Purple, who just shrugs. You groan in frustration, and Purple tugs your helmet off.

"HEY! I need that!" You yell, trying to grab it but Purple waves it out of your reach.

"Oh, really?" Purple sniggers

You just about get a grip on your helmet, but then an alarm starts blaring. Purple uses the distraction to her advantage, and pulls the helmet out of your reach once again. Purple roughly grabs your left arm.

You look down at your tablet (in your right hand) and see a warning flashing up

! Emergency Meeting. Go to the cafeteria Immediately !

You notice Purple looking down at your tablet as well, and then the doors slide open. Purple releases her grip on your arm and pushes you backwards as she makes her way out of security.

You stand still for a while, giving Purple a head start, before making your way to cafeteria.

"What is the meaning of this?! And where are Pink and Lime?" Blue demands, slamming her fists onto the round table. You flinch, and Red (who is next to you) nudges your arm in an 'Are you okay?' way. You nod, but Red doesn't seem completely convinced.

Brown is sitting to the right of you, and keeps nervously switching his gaze from you to Purple, who is roughly opposite you. You refuse to look anywhere other than down towards the floor.

Pink enters, holding two tablets.

"Pink do you know where Lime is? Blue asks in a frustrated tone.

Pink nods sadly. She says nothing, but walks over to Blue and places one of the tablets in front of Blue and then walks to the nearest of the two vacant chairs. Everyone looks towards the tablet. It is cracked and splattered with.... blood?

Everyone shifts their gaze to Pink.

"L-lime is.... she's gone!" Pink cries.

"Where?" Green asks gently

Pink takes a while to calm down before responding "in electrical. I think she must have been fixing the lights."

Everyone worriedly chats amongst themselves, whilst Blue and Green talk to Pink. Green seemed like he was being kind and reassuring. Blue was... well.... being Blue.

Brown tries asking you something, presumably about what he saw in security, but he couldn't quite find the words to ask. Before he manages to piece together a sentence, Blue starts speaking, and Green starts speedily doing something on his tablet.

"So, it seems that there has been... a murder."

Gasps filled the room.

"And there has been no one else on this ship aside from us. So that means that...

There is an imposter, and they are among us"

This sent a chorus of whispers around the room

"Who?!" And "Why?" And "How!" Could he heard, and "Poor Lime" and "it must have been so horrible for Pink to find Lime dead"

"So on your tablets now..." Green declared, finishing off something on his tablet, "should be a voting system. You each get one vote as to who you think is the imposter, or we can skip."

"So what happens to whoever we vote?" Yellow asks

"Well, killing would make us as bad as them so... we decided to eject them instead." Blue said

"What does that mean?!" Black asked worriedly

"We remove their oxygen supply, and send them out into space via the trash chute. That way we can tell if we eliminated the imposter or not." Blue explained with a shrug.

"WHAT?!!" Cyan yelled

"How can we tell?" Orange said suspiciously

"Well, the imposter is an alien, right? They can survive without oxygen. The ejected imposter will instead starve to death. We can use the vitals on the tablets" Blue declared

"Sooo it's like the Salem Witch Trials then, huh? You are one? You die. You get accused when you're innocent? You die anyway." Purple spat out spitefully

"It's the only way" Blue sighed.

"So who do we think it is?" Orange started

"Well, where was everyone?" Yellow began, "I was in O2"

"Downloading in cafeteria" Black said.

"Yeah, you were the first one here" Green added. "I was with Blue-"

"In comms" Blue interrupted

"Admin" Red states

"Medbay, scanning for anomalies" Orange declared

"Security." Purple yawned.

"Navi" Cyan said

"Security" you say

"Hey, so you were with Purple?" Orange spotted, "you have an alibi. That's great!"

"Yeah I saw them both in there" Brown added uneasily. 

Purple shrugged, before noticing "Then I sent..." (she quickly changed her tone) "I mean, politely asked if you were able to ever so kindly fix the lights, Brown"

"Yeah, But I got stuck in the lower engine. The doors closed" Brown defended

Everyone also noted that the doors had closed after the lights went out.

"So no ideas yet?" Blue summarised

"Nope" you admit, then Blue looks straight towards you. You can't see her face through her helmet, but you can sense that she's not very happy...

"White. Stay behind after voting, thank you."

"So skip?" Black offered, trying to release the tension.


- Pink (Page 49)
- skip (Page 50)

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