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"O2" you order, and you both head up. You pull the lever and the trash falls.

You both turn to leave when the doors close.

"Why the doors?" Purple bangs her fists on the doors in frustration.

"At least we're not in electrical..." you try to be optimistic.

"No. This is worse. Stupid O2" Purple complains as she begins to pace around.

"What's wrong with O2?" You ask

Purple stops pacing and spins around to look at you "It's too small"

"So you're claustrophobic?" you question, casually leaning against the wall.

"Mm I guess so" Purple nods, and continues pacing. Suddenly, Purple freezes. "W-w-white!"


"Look out!" She screams, and you turn around quickly to see two other people in the room, one standing behind you cocking a gun, the other emerging from the vent.

"Say bye-bye!" The one with the gun says in an innocent voice. You hear a gunshot, Purple screaming, and then everything fades away.

- You are dead -

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Where stories live. Discover now