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You decide to stand your ground. You don't move as Purple casually swings around in the office chair.

"Oh, if it isn't White! My favourite crewmate!" Purple exclaims sarcastically

"Nice to see you too, Purple." You say as if nothing is wrong.

"Oi. White. Why you in here?"

"I could say the same to you" you calmly respond. Purple is quiet for a second, before responding in a baby voice;

"Did your friends abandon you? Poor little White, all alone"

You almost yell, but you know that you can't give Purple what she wants. You know you have to keep your cool.

"They didn't leave me. I didn't want to do tasks. You respond, quietly steadying your breathing. You calmly walk forwards over to the monitor and watch the people walking to and from tasks. You see Brown go into the reactor, then into Security.


You turn to see Brown standing in the doorway. The lights go dark.

"Get outta here, Idiot. And fix the lights" Purple carelessly ordered. Brown quickly obeys, but you gently grab his arm and pull him back. No one is getting bullied by Purple. Not on your watch.

"Hey Purple, if you're that bothered then you go and do it. Brown isn't your slave."

Purple gets up out of the chair and begins to walk towards you menacingly.

"I-It's okay White, I'll g-go..." Brown stutters.

Purple walks forwards more and shoves you in the chest, your back crashes into the wall. You have to do something fast!


- HIT FIRST! (Page 51)
- "Come on then" -you know Purple is too much of a wimp to really attack you in front of a witness (Page 52)

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