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"Let's go to admin first" you decide.

Brown uploads first, then you begin uploading. Suddenly, the alarm goes off. Not an emergency meeting, this one is different..

Oxygen depleted in 30 seconds...

"What?!" Brown gasps, and you run out, heading for O2

"No wait!" Brown says, pulling you back inside. "I think there's a keypad in here as well. I was reading the emergency situation plans when we were in the dropship"

You quickly locate it and punch in the number. Come on, someone must be in O2!

The alarm abruptly stops.

"Phew, that was close" you sigh

"Too close" Brown agrees.

Plugging in your tablet again, you restart the upload.

Its 89% finished when another alarm goes off.

"What now?!" Brown groans.

"Oh. This is bad. Very bad." You slowly say.

Emergency meeting called - proceed to the cafeteria immediately

You both get in, scanning around the room, taking a mental note of who is missing.

Purple is the last to enter the cafeteria.

"It was... a double kill" Green states shakily.

"Where?" You demand.

"Medbay." Blue says.

"W-what?" Brown gasps

Blue continues "I was going in to do my scan. That's when we found Cyan and Black. Also the vent was slightly open. So we're gathering two things from this."

"There are... two imposters?" Brown shudders

"And they can travel through the vents!" Orange catches on.

"Correct" Blue confirms. "Obviously I was with Green"

"I was with Brown, admin. Uploading" you quickly pipe up

"I was with Orange" Yellow declares.

"I was in reactor. Red was there too" Purple contributes

"That leaves Pink without an alibi!" Orange shouts.

"But I was in navi" Pink protests

"Yeah, but who's the second person?" Green questions. "There's no way anyone could have taken them both down without suspicion"

- just vote Pink for now (Page 99)
- vote skip (Page 100)
- it's Red (Page 101)

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Where stories live. Discover now