Page 91

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You defiantly say "no."

Purple glares at you. She releases her grip on your arm, then shoves you in the chest, pinning you against the wall.

"I think you'll find you're supposed to say 'yes'" Purple glares at you. You try and fail to push Purple off you.

"Get off me!" You order angrily

"Nope" Purple laughs, then her tone changes to serious "not until you honestly swear on your life that you'll do as I say. Or even better- swear on your stupid friends' lives!" She grins evilly. "Cyan's probably even weaker than you..." she smirks, but you don't give in to her.

"Shut up! You have no right bossing everyone around like this and threatening people." You declare

"Okay. Fine. If that's what you want..." Purple says, then grabs you by the throat and lifts you up slightly, your feet are just centimetres from the ground. You desperately claw at Purple's hands, trying to free yourself. Purple suddenly drops you and you crash to the floor, coughing and gasping for air. Purple kicks you in the shin and you cry out in pain.

A door smashes open near you in the hallway. Someone heard. You feel a surge of relief when you see Red racing towards you.

"Get back!" Red growls at Purple, before dropping to their knees beside you.

Red helps you to sit up, then asks you what happened, glaring at Purple. Before you can answer, Purple cuts in with "Ooh, here comes your best buddy, rushing in to save you again. You're nothing without Red."

You ignore Purple and turn towards Red's worried face.


- Purple hurt me (Page 92)
- Purple tried to KILL me! (Page 93)

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum