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You decide to go to O2. You pull the lever, releasing the trash. You are about to tick it off your task list on your tablet, before you realise that you also have to go to storage. You begin walking down, when you notice Cyan in Navigation. You decide to go in and see how Cyan is doing.

"You okay?" You ask

"Yeah thanks, I've just finished charting the course. Now I have to fuel the engines." Cyan replies

"Where's the fuel?"

"It's in storage" Cyan states

"Oh I have to go there too!" You say, and you head off together. Cyan picks up a petrol can and begins filling it up whilst you, yet again, pull the lever and this time release the trash into deep space.

"Now I need to go to upper engine with this." Cyan tells you, pointing towards the full petrol can. You are in the hallway outside admin when the lights go out. Cyan drops the petrol can on the floor, and it spills everywhere.

"Oh, we should get the lights back on." Cyan says. "People might slip on the petrol."

"Yeah" you agree. "I'll help you clean it up when we're finished." You assure.

(Go to Page 26)

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