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Everyone taps on their tables. No one is clearly suspicious yet.

Red voted for skip
Orange voted for skip
Yellow voted for skip
Green voted for skip
-Lime is dead-
Blue voted for skip
Cyan voted for skip
Purple voted for skip
Pink voted for skip
Brown voted for Purple
Black voted for skip
White voted for skip

"No one will be ejected" Black sounded relieved

"Hey, Brown, why did you vote Purple?" Orange asked suspiciously, before Blue demanded

"Alright. White, a word please. Everyone else, go do tasks. We shall stop to eat at 6:00."

Cyan is about to leave, when you see Red gently grab Cyan's arm and begin walking towards you.

"I said do your tasks, Red. And Cyan. The sooner we get them done we can leave." Blue huffed.

"I just-" Red began

"Let them stay please" you ask. Blue sighs and reluctantly lets Red and Cyan stay with you.

"So first of all. How careless actually are you? We were specifically told before the mission that we were not allowed to take our helmets off during the day, am I correct?" Blue demands.

You gasp as you realise. "It's not my fault, it's..." you began, before Blue continues

"Not to mention ripping your suit"

You look down and see a gaping hole in the knee of your suit. That must have been what Purple was staring at earlier.

"Would you care to explain?" Blue asks "where even is your helmet, by the way?"

Spotting Purple fixing some wires in the cafeteria wall near you, you just point. Blue, Green, Cyan and Red all look over. Purple is still, stupidly enough, carrying the white helmet.

"Purple was bullying me" you explain, looking down at the ground. Blue marches over to Purple to ask questions.

"Did she hurt you?" Red asks seriously.

"She shoved me, and grabbed my arm, but then the emergency meeting was called" you admit. Red turns to glare at Purple.

"Was anyone there?" Green gently asks

"Brown saw a bit. But Purple scared him off."

"So that must be why Brown voted Purple" Cyan pieced together.

It made sense. That was his way of confronting Purple. "I'll go and find Brown, ask him a few questions" Green declares, getting up.

"Hey White, I think there's some stuff in storage that we can use to fix your suit" Cyan offers. "I'll go grab it."

"Not on your own, Cyan. There's still a murderer around" Red points out.

"It's literally down the hall, I'll be fine" Cyan laughs, walking off

"So what else did Purple do?" Red asks

"She was just standing over me threateningly and being mean. She... she said that you and Cyan had abandoned me and..." you trail off.
"Then the lights went out and the doors closed and I was trapped in there with Purple. I was really scared." You admit.

"Stay with me White. I'll keep you safe. Purple won't hurt you again" Red almost growls the last part, glaring over towards Purple who was denying everything to Blue.

Blue frustratedly walks over to you and places your helmet on the table. "So, if Purple hurt you, should we get rid of Purple?" She asked. For once she seemed... concerned for your safety? She- she actually cared? You'd never seen that side of Blue before.


- yes (Page 57)
- no (Page 58)

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