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You tap on the table nervously, before asking "What about Pink?"

"Huh?" Blue asked

"Well, what if it was her?" You explain "she could be faking" you add

"Why would she do that?" Orange opposes

"It kinda makes sense." Red offers, "No-one else was near, the doors were closed, so it could have been."

"But-" Pink cried

"Well why don't we just bear that in mind for when we have more evidence?" Black nervously suggests

"No. It's Pink, I'm telling you!" You declare, slamming your fists onto the table. Pink breaks down in tears, and Black looks from between you and Pink.

"Why are you so obsessed, White?" Orange interrogates

"Just look at Pink! Can't you see you're upsetting her?!" Blue harshly accuses

People pick up their tablets to vote.

Red voted for Pink
Orange voted for White
Yellow voted for White
Green voted for Skip
-Lime is dead-
Blue voted for White
Cyan voted for Pink
Purple voted for Skip
Pink voted for White
Brown voted for Purple
Black voted for skip
White voted for Pink

"White is voted out then" Blue coldly declares.

"Down to storage then?" Orange asks, and Blue nods.

Everyone walks down to storage. Red looks at you worriedly, and Cyan yells that you are innocent. Blue ignores Cyan and continues leading the group down to the storage.

Red leans close to you and whispers "Don't worry, I'm sure Blue won't really do it, right? If she's got any heart in her"

"I think that's the problem" you whisper back

"Can't we just wait until we have more solid evidence!" Black protests. 

"No. If we leave it, more innocent people will die." Orange states, before adding, "And I'm sure that if White was innocent, they would hold on before throwing around accusations like that."

You all reach the end of storage, where the trash chute is.

"Well, White has already removed the oxygen supply for me" Blue taunts. "Any last words, imposter?"

You feel yourself beginning to sweat as you try to find something to say.

"Well, umm... this is pretty ironic. This was supposed to be my task. Here I am, I just didn't expect to be shot into space with the trash today" you sort of half-heartedly, nervously joke. You then quickly move on "and uh I wish that more of you had believed me. I sus Pink, I'm telling you. Thank you to Cyan and Red, who have been kind to me for this mission" you feel tears forming, "and please can you tell everyone back on Earth goodbye"

"Ya done?" Purple groans

"Yeah." You reply, then pause before changing your mind

"Oh, hang on a second. There's one more thing. You really think I'm going down voluntarily?"
Then you elbow Blue in the stomach, Purple comes forwards to take over, and you launch your tablet at Purple's face. It shatters some of her helmet, and then Red joins in, helping you to get away from the rest of them. Red pulls Green away from you, and restrains him, yelling "watch out!" As Orange creeps up behind you. You duck, then kick Orange in the leg, knocking him over.

Just when you think you're in the clear, Pink shoves you into the wall with surprising force, then grabs you and attempts to pull you towards the open trash chute.

Red drops Green and rushes to help you, but is grabbed by Orange and then Blue who has recovered from you winding her. Black asks for peace, but it's way past that now. Purple helps Pink to move you, Brown tries to pull Purple off but Yellow pushes Brown over. You are centimetres away from the trash chute, when Cyan yanks on the lever and slams it shut.

Green gets up and asks Cyan to move away. Cyan is scared, but still refuses to back down.

Green sighs and walks over to Cyan, and grabs onto the lever, struggling to pull it but he was overall stronger than Cyan. The trash chute opens. Red yells and breaks out from Blue and Orange's grip, racing to your aid, but is blocked by Yellow and a reluctant Black.

You get pushed into the trash chute, and float off into space. You try to gasp in some air after the intense fight, but you can't. Your lungs start burning and the pain is so strong. You look at The Skeld and see most of the crewmates are watching you from the window. Green has what you believe to be your tablet.

'You tried Red, Cyan and Brown' you think. 'It just wasn't enough.'

And then all of your thoughts just fade away.

- You are dead -

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Where stories live. Discover now