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"Sorry Cyan..." you say slowly, "but you've got all the evidence stacked up against you"

"Wait WHAT?!" Cyan jumps

Red turns to you angrily "you know that Cyan was with us the whole time

"But why else would Cyan know about the vents?" You accuse

"But- I..." Cyan stutters

"I thought you trusted us" Red stated

"I do... I trust you..." you trail off, "but the others are right"

"If Cyan was an imposter, why would Cyan share the information about the vents?" Red debates

"To deflect suspicion. Act like you're helping and everyone thinks you're genuinely as confused as everyone else" Blue agrees with you

Everyone votes

Red voted for skip
-Orange is dead-
Yellow voted for Cyan
Green voted for Cyan
-Lime is dead-
Blue voted for Cyan
Cyan voted for skip
-Purple is dead-
Pink voted for Cyan
-Brown is dead-
Black voted for skip
White voted for Cyan

"Well seems like Cyan is leaving us" Blue states coldly.

"What if they're wrong?!" Black tries to convince everyone "maybe Cyan genuinely was just interested in how the vent systems were linked?"

"Yeah right very likely." Yellow says sarcastically

"It's got nothing to do with the mission" you confirm

"There's no use for that information" Pink agrees, "unless you're an imposter"

Cyan gets dragged down to storage by Blue and Yellow, Green leading the way with Red and Black protesting.

"Stop! Stop!" Red yells, attempting to pull Cyan free, but being pushed back by Yellow.

"No" Yellow firmly orders Red, "we have to do this"

"Get off Cyan" Red growls in response.

Ignoring Red, Blue and Yellow continue herding Cyan down to the trash chute.

"Please can we just talk about this?" Black begs

"We did already" Pink shrugs "and we made a vote."

"Sorry, but not everyone is going to agree on the outcome" Blue shrugs carelessly, as Pink pulls the lever to open the trash chute.

Blue yanks off Cyan's helmet harshly and throws it to the floor. Cyan is crying and you see the frightened look in Cyan's eyes.

Green walks up to Cyan with an apologetic look and gently takes the tablet. "I'm sorry" you hear Green sadly whisper.

"Please don't let them do it" Cyan whispers back, "I don't want what happened to Purple- to happen to me too."

"Blue!" Green exclaims, looking up. "I think we should stop"

"What?!" Blue scoffs

"I don't think it's Cyan." Green replies, pulling Cyan away from Blue and Yellow, standing between them protectively.

"Cyan is just faking!" Yellow declares.

"Just trust us okay? You're too soft Green!" Blue scolds, shaking her head. "You're too soft. You need to toughen up if you want to survive. We have to make hard decisions like this sometimes"

"Hold the lecture!" Red snarls, "you're always bossing Green about, Blue. No one put you in charge."

"I don't get bossed around by..." Green protests, but he knows it's true. "Just don't do this Blue. That's the only thing I've ever asked from you" he says, hugging the terrified crewmate.

"That's it" Blue snaps. "Enough. Green, let go of Cyan."

Green refuses, so Blue punches him in the face, cracking his helmet and sending him crashing to the floor. Yellow restrains Red as Blue orders Pink to get Cyan into the trash, and Blue pulls the handle, sending Cyan flying into space.

"No!" Red yells, as Yellow finally lets go.

Green sits up, taking off his cracked helmet and throwing it across the room, picking up Cyan's tablet and observing the vitals.

Cyan was not the imposter

"I knew it!" He yells. "GET CYAN BACK ON THE SHIP NOW!"

"We can't-" Pink sadly admits

"There has to be a way! We need to resuscitate Cyan" Green cries. "I told you, I told you, I told you! But you didn't FREAKING LISTEN!!" He screams at Blue.

"He was sus. Now let's move on. Tasks to complete and all" Blue shrugs

"How can you be so careless?" Green accuses, "only the imposter would be that cold-hearted"

"Oh you would know if I was the imposter BECAUSE I WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU FIRST!" Blue yells at Green.

Oops. She went too far.

Green drops Cyan's tablet to the floor, grabs his helmet and runs out of storage.

Most of the surviving crewmates disperse, leaving you standing by the lever and Red looking out of the window at Cyan's dead body floating slowly further and further away from The Skeld. Red then angrily walks off, you begin following, shouting "wait up!"

"Stay the hell away from me!" Red angrily orders.

You know Red is mad at you for not trusting Cyan, and you need to sort things out. You also know it's dangerous to be alone.


- follow Red and try to fix your friendship (Page 113)
- leave Red alone to have some time to process things and talk later (Page 114)

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Where stories live. Discover now