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"I guess we're stuck here then." Red states.

"I-I wanna get out of here!" Cyan whines, beginning to hyperventilate and an alarm on Cyan's tablet pings, alerting that Cyan's heart rate was dangerously fast.

"Shh, it's okay Cyan. At least we're here together, right?" You assure Cyan, attempting to stop the panic attack

Red sits down on the floor, leaning against the wall. Red pats the ground, indicating for you and Cyan to sit as well. You sit Cyan down next to Red, then sit so Cyan is sandwiched between you and Red. You place your arm around Cyan and Red holds Cyan's hand, and gradually Cyan's breathing returns to normal. You sit like this for a while, until Cyan is calm enough to talk again.

"Thank you" Cyan says, not making eye contact with you or Red.

"It's fine, I'm just glad you're okay now" you say. Red nods in agreement.

"Please don't tell anyone-" Cyan pleads, you and Red just laugh

"Of course we won't!" Red replied.

Cyan let out a sigh of relief.

The calmness didn't last long.

Out of nowhere, there was a deafening alarm! Cyan physically jumped, and you and Red pull Cyan up. You realise that all of your tablets are coming up with a notification:

! Emergency meeting. Meet in cafeteria immediately !

The doors slide open, the lights suddenly flicker on and you, Cyan and Red begin sprinting up to the cafeteria. Black was already there.

People begin walking in, and you sit around the large round table in the centre of the room. You make sure that Cyan is sitting between you and Red, as everyone else joins.

"Brown, what is the meaning of this?!" Blue demands.

"Hey, where is Brown?" Green pipes up.

"And Lime isn't here yet!" Orange comments, after scanning to see who was in the room

Brown walks into the room. Carrying something. Something... big.

Yellow rushes over to help, then sees what Brown is carrying and faints.

Brown begins crying as he reveals the dead body of Lime!

Gasps fill the room.

You can hear worried chatter going around the room, and Cyan begins nervously tapping on the table.

Blue demands to talk privately with Green.

They come back to the table after a few minutes.

"So today, our fellow crewmate, Lime was murdered. Lime will be dearly missed by all of us-" Blue began, but was cut off by the other shocked crewmates

"Silence!" Blue demands, angrily looking around the room at the noisy crewmates

"And we know that no one aside from us was in The Skeld" Green added, fiddling with his tablet as he spoke, not looking up at the crowd he was talking to

"So there is a fraud. An imposter. And they walk among us." Blue carried on.

The tension in the room grew.

"So I have asked Green to set up a voting system. We will then select who we think is this imposter, and... eject them."

"What do you mean, 'eject'?" Orange cut in

"Well, get rid of." Green slowly explained.

"Meaning?" Black questioned

"We will remove their O2 supply, and send them out of the trash chute into space." Blue explained calmly.

"We will do WHAT!?" Yellow demanded, sitting up after having only just come back to consciousness

"The imposter is an alien. So we can tell if we ejected the right person or not as the imposter can survive without O2. We can use vitals to find out if we were correct." Blue said

"What if we... eject a good person?" Brown nervously asked

"If process of elimination is what it takes, it's what we shall do" Blue states coldly

"That's sick" Cyan whispers to you and Red.

"It's done." Green declares.

"So. What do we know?" Blue asks.

"Well, I was with Cyan and White the whole time so it definitely wasn't either of them." Red states confidently

"Ok. And when the doors got shut, I was stuck with black and yellow" Orange said

"I was with Green." Blue said.

"So Pink were you with Purple?" Green asks

"No." Purple responds.

"So it's Pink or Purple." Orange finalises "they're the only ones without alibis.

"I was in security!" Purple protests

"I was in weapons!" Pink squeals

"Security is closest, it's Purple!" Yellow realises

"But what if it's brown?" Purple defends "I mean he could be faking it. He thought that if he found it, it would make him the least suspicious!"

"That's a bit far-fetched, don't you think?" Black intervenes, "Anyway, no one was prepared for this, I think that we need to skip then be on the lookout for any suspicious activity!"

"I agree" Red declares

"W-What if the killer strikes again?" Cyan quivers in fear next to you

"So we need to vote now!" Orange declared. "I think Purple is the most suspicious so far."


- Purple (Page 53)
- Pink (Page 54)
- Brown (Page 55)
- skip (Page 56)

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