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Taking a deep breath, you think carefully about what you're going to say.

"Well... I guess I like you too" you admit.

Red quickly looks up at you, surprised, and now you're the one avoiding eye contact.

"I-" Red is lost for words.

"Not what you were expecting?" You ask.

"I don't really think I was expecting anything in particular" Red admits. "So, uh- what now?"

"I... don't know?" You ask, and the pair of you laugh.

"So uh, I guess we could do tasks together later then?" Red suggests

"Yeah we can do that." You nod. "So just to be clear we're not telling anyone, at least not yet, right?"

"Yeah definitely" Red agrees.

You're thankful. At least until we know what's going on, you think.

A few hours of chatting later, "Hey, what if some of the others come in early?" You realise.

"What, as early as we did?" Red jokes, before suggesting "we could go to my room?"

You both head there. You look out of the large window for a while, stargazing.

'Space is so beautiful,' you think. It's just a shame you can't enjoy it without the thought that 'there's someone in this building with you who is enjoying a killing spree and you don't know who it is', haunting you all the time.

A while later, there is a knock at the door. You and Red look towards each other, and Red calls through the door "Yeah?"

"Need to go to the cafeteria! It's time for breakfast in a minute" Blue yells.

"Okay, just a minute!" Red replies, and Red makes sure the hallway is empty before you both head down to the cafeteria.

The wonderful smell of pancakes fills the air, and you see Black flipping some in a frying pan.

"What is this recipe I need to know! They're so good!" Green compliments.

"My little secret" Black teases.

You and Red grab a plate each and get some pancakes. You sit next to Cyan and Red.

"I've never tried pancakes before" Red tells you

"What?!" Cyan says "come on you haven't had a childhood if you've never had pancakes!"

You laugh as Red takes their first ever bite of pancake. "That's really good!" Red exclaims.

"Try some of this" Cyan offers, handing over a bottle of maple syrup. "You can never have too much maple syrup"

Red liked it, and proceeded to drown the pancakes in syrup.

"Okay, I change my mind. That is way too much" Cyan jokes. 

"But it tastes nice" Red complains.

"There's more syrup than pancake now!" You laugh as you take a bite of your pancake.

"So where we going for tasks first?" Cyan asks through a mouthful of pancake.

You turn to Red and exchange a look. Red seems to not really mind either way. The decision is up to you.


- tasks with Cyan and Red (Page 108)
- tasks with just Red (Page 109)

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Where stories live. Discover now