46 • Unconvincing

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Not @ me making a bunch of dumb spelling mistakes in the last chapter. Sorry lol 

• Chapter 46 

"What?" Haechan asked in confusion. He heard him well, he understood all that the older had said.

So why didn't it make sense?

"According to what I know," Baekhyun said, "your friends never survived that accident."

Pushing out an unsteady huff at the sheer absurdity of his claims, Haechan moved back a little. He looked away wordlessly. He was glaring a hole into the wall next to him, trying to figure it out.

Upon noticing the look in Haechan's eyes, Baekhyun turned back to Taemin who frowned a little.

"Jeno and Jaemin are alive and well," he argued and the older quickly nodded.

"I know that," Baekhyun said. "But they shouldn't have been."

He quickly noticed Haechan's clenched jaw and irritation at what he had said. He noticed Taemin's intrigued gaze and that growing doubt that lay behind it.

"I was late that day," he continued his narration. "I messed up the directions, landed somewhere a few streets away. Took me a few minutes to find my way there."

"And so what?" Taemin shot back. "Paramedics were faster than you?"

The question alone was enough to make Baekhyun smile. It was cute, he thought, how Taemin knowingly asked useless questions. Just for the sake of it.

Baekhyun shook his head.

"Then maybe Hyun-joo made a mistake. She has always been sloppy. She might have messed up the names," he reasoned further but yet again, Baekhyun just shook his head.

He sighed, tilted his head to the side. He wasn't surprised at his attempts of giving it a simple explanation.

"When I realized the boys were alive, I went back to Hyun-joo and told her what happened. She shrugged it off," he explained. A sharp intake of air through closed teeth. He grimaced. "But there is a problem."

Taemin nodded. "Yeah that's what I figured."

"Hyun-joo is on the former king's side. She has always wanted to take Jisung's place."

"That's nothing new," Taemin noted and even Haechan agreed.

It was widely known, in fact, that Hyun-joo hated Jisung. Just as it was widely known that Hyun-joo had a rotten personality that she handed down to her daughter. 

"You're right. Which is why it wouldn't be surprising if she spread a rumour or two to make others fear or doubt him," he noted casually. "Say, the rumour that Jisung is conspiring with an unknown person that has the ability to bring back the dead."

Taemin pushed out a short laugh, whereas Haechan frowned.

"What?" the youngest asked in disbelief. "Is that a joke?"

Baekhyun looked at the boy, edges of his lips pulled back slightly as he shook his head.

"If it was, she wouldn't actually be looking for them." He paused, leaned forward, elbows stemmed onto the table between them. "Didn't you notice yet that the accidents that happen lately - they are all the same. Car crashes involving pedestrians. Over and over again, hoping that some of them will survive miraculously." 

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