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I couldn't. I was way too excited to sleep. It was really hot inside the room, not that there wasn't any AC , but I chose not to use it. That is me. No matter how hot it gets if you turn on the AC , I'll end up taking a blanket or something and will eventually miss the actual fun of summer. I LOVE SUMMER.
The cool breezes were hitting the window of my room as I was listening to them quitely.

And I suddenly felt an urge to go and sit outside and feel the refreshing breeze myself. I Changed my pyjamas into shorts that were of above knee length so that my legs could feel some breezes too and quickly made my way outside the room. It was so cool there, the sweaty me suddenly felt fresh. I found an easy chair and sat. It was such a good feeling...Almost lied down I took my phone out, put my headset on , put some anne marie' s on and started scrolling through Insta. I turned back once, to check if anybody's watching or not, relieved, went back to my phone..
An hour passed by, and so did another, still no sleep, and I was chilling without any care...Though I started watching f.r.i.e.n.d.s an hour later I came here.

He cannot sleep, all he can do right now is think of her. She is different.
Tired of her thoughts, he came outside, at the balcony to get some fresh air and noticed somebody sitting by the pool, and watching something on her mobile.
"Is it her?", he was lost.
"Should I go? Or would she think I am hitting on her? It may get awkward . C'mon. Don't be silly. I am gonna go ". He murmured to himself.
Suddenly I came out of my F R I E N D S when I heard someone calling out my name.
I was shocked to see Rahul standing in front of me
Freaked out I managed to say ,"Yeah!!! Man you scared the shit out of me."
"Well I am sorry for that but what are you doing here at this hour?"
"Look how great it feels here, just the right weather and the right scenery" I said with my lowest volume looking at my right where the endless sea mixed at the horizon.
"That's true though" he said whilst following my eyes.
"What about you? Why haven't you slept?"
"Couldn't. Donno why though"
"You wanna sit? " I said offering him another chair
" Yeah sure"
He looked cute in his blue tee and white shorts.
"Thanks by the way" he said
" Don't be formal, welcome though"
We exchanged smiles. Cute ones :)
He sat on the chair facing me. I could feel my goosebumps.
"So what's up?"
"Nothing special" I said without the slightest idea of what I should have said otherwise.
"So what do you do?"
"I am an entrepreneur"
"Ohh That's cool"
"Where are you from?" He looked inquisitive
"I was born in Ranchi, brought up in West Bengal and currently based in Bangalore for 4 years in total ,though for the last two years I have no permanent destination. I have a house in Bangalore but hardly get to live their"
"Woah, that was quick and a lottt!!"
I giggled. He smiled.
We talked more about stuffs for more than half an hour. He told me about all his cricket moments of glory, which I already knew , and I rather used that time to observe him better.
He is a lean guy. Big eyes, hot lips, cute dimple and a super cute smile , all in one handsome face.
He is just as tall as me. 6'1...and he's hot, not HOT hot but a cute type...
"Ryka, rykaaa??" I suddenly came out of my reverie.
"Oh! Yeah what were you saying"
"You are lost"
" right I am lost...NO ...I MEAN. UMM...I am not lost" I fumbled as if I saw a zombie in front of me.
He laughed.
"What?" My face showing a big question mark.
" You've got a cute smile"
"Umm ... well I donno what to say to that" I tried to act casual.
He gave a quick laugh and added"Back then, when we were watching that movie, what's it called...uhh...uh...umm" he tries hard
"Uhhhh, right, breakthrough,, anyone was hardly watching the movie since we were all busy laughing on the lovebird's moans and I suddenly looked at you and found you sobbing...."
"What the..."...he didn't let me finish
" Yeah, I mean I know you were crying watching the movie, but that was so adorable"
I was numb. How did he? I covered my face properly so that I don't have to get embarassed later and here I am now.
"That's so embarassing" I said with red cheeks.
" It's not. It's cute" he said with a sweet smile...
I nodded
I checked my phone. It was 3:56 already. I looked at the sky and the it's dark shade was fading away slowly and steadily. Though the cool breeze is intact...
"You wanna go to the terrace?" I said out loud, out of nowhere.
"Sure, let's" he said after a pause.
"Let's then" and I got up from my chair.

We didn't share a word during our way to the terrace.
We reached there. It was perfectly organized. The sea view was better from here. We noticed a two-seat swing facing the sea.
"Let's sit there?" I asked blushing
"For sure"
We sat . It was cozy. Our shoulders were touching, though I tried to move away a bit thinking he might feel uncomfortable. But there was not an inch left beside me. I too was feeling uncomfortable a bit. It was a bit awkward for a moment until he said calmly, "isn't this perfect?"
I stared at him.."huh? What's perfect?"I gave an unreadable expression
"THIS!!! just , sitting in front of the sea in a cozy swing watching the endless. I haven't felt so refreshing in the longest time. It's so relaxing. Besides I've got a great companion to myself" he looked back.
I smiled to myself🙂

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