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" ....he and I were always together no matter where we go, be it his matches or my meetings. I just miss him so much. And I still love him, I can't deny that and I hate myself for what I did to him, I left him there all alone without even giving him a chance to explain himself , but I was not in proper senses that time , and so I couldn't differentiate between what's right and what's wrong. I acted so selfish and what's worse is that I don't even think there is any room for correction here".
I said after telling him the whole history.
"C'mon you're not selfish. If you were selfish you would have told his friends about him, but you didn't...... So why exactly don't you wanna know why he did what he did?"
" What was he gonna say to me? That he did that because he was drunk or was stoned?....I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE!!!!!"
"You always have a choice!!" He said as soon as I finished.
Not a single word escaped my mouth. Why? Cause that's the reality. I CHOSE to run from him, whatever he has done, he is my LOVE, my duty is to forgive him and make sure he doesn't commit same mistakes again. He was my only close friend and I lost him, I DON'T KNOW MAYBE FOREVER... I don't know how I am living with that still now.
"Maybe I was scared to face the truth or the fact that he has fallen for someone else and sleeping with her. How would I make peace that?" I said to him with tears running down my face.
" It's okay" he whispered and covered me in his muscular arms.

The whole night we kept talking and talking. For a chatterbox like me, it's really hard to have no one by your side to talk with for two whole months and now that I've found one, I won't miss a second. Plus, not to mention, I was drunk af.
I don't know why but he is different. There's more to him then meets the eye I guess .He says that starting one's life over is easy but holding on to the past and making peace with it can be difficult but is absolutely more pleasant.

The next day, I was at my office and couldn't help but think about rahul and how hurt he may have been. Did he really do something so evil that he doesn't even deserve a second chance????. That's not fair. And this sudden urge ran through my body making me shiver. I WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH. NO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS TO FACE, HIS LOVE HAS MADE ME CAPABLE OF IT .....
I called him. And then that sweet voice from the other side that I've been craving to listen to.

IF I NEVER MET YOU.....(FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now