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We had a great day. We all enjoyed as much as we could. But Rahul, That guy spoiled it all for me. I can't believe him and myself.
We returned back to our villa being all wet. I already saw Rahul flirting with Tess. And, another surprising thing was I saw Ryn go upstairs with Shreyas and smiling naughtily at each other. I could sense what they are gonna do upstairs.
Now that called me single in more than 180 languages. Everybody is now with somebody. Wait. Hardik. I can try on him to pass the time even though I don't wanna. Hanging out is the least thing I can do. I don't want a toxic on and off love life. I just want someone who chooses me everyday even when i'm hard to deal with. And I give my time only to the precious ones. So....

I took a bath. And laid on my bed with my bathrobe on looking at the ceiling and analysing all that's been happening since morning. Suddenly there was a knock.
I opened the door to find Hardik there.
"Hi, what's up?"
" You aren't ready yet. It's been an hour since we are back. Everybody is ready."
" Where are we going?" I gave a strange look.
" Lunch? We are going out for lunch. Remember? We are waiting. Get ready within minutes"
"Okay! Okay! Give me 5 minutes"
"Yeah right" he mocked
"What now?"
"You'll be ready in 5 minutes? 5 MINUTES?"
"Yeah" I said infuriated
"Guys we've gotta wait for another hour. Ryka is not ready yet."
"yeah, whatever''

He just pissed me off. Like yeah, not all girls take hours to get ready. I put on a denim jeans and a white front knot and with open wet hair. After fetching my purse , mobile , watch and sunglasses i checked the time. It's only been 10 minutes. NOT THAT BAD!

With some pity glances from elle and ryn all of us left. We went to a market first cause it was too early for lunch. The market was full of life, people moving here and there, kids running around. It was. It was enthusiastic. All of us parted ways and decided to meet at the restaurant that was at the end of the market street by 12:30.

I entered a watch shop. With some inspection i was confused with two watches. Both of them were too good. Though none of them was for me. It was for dad. I'm a really confusing person and ended up buying both of them. I knew one of them is gonna be mine or my sister's depends on who snatches it first from him. :\. While the shopkeeper was billing it for me Rahul entered. This guy is not gonna give me any peace. Since that conversation, i've tried to maintain a distance with him.

I tried to avoid eye contact , but he noticed me within a minute.

''Hey! you here too?'' he said coming to me.

''Yeah, what a surprise'' i mocked. He gave me a weird smile.

''so? bought anything?''

''Yeah, two of 'em actually. they have a nice collection''

''Oh really?....lemme check then''

The shopkeeper showed him more of their keeps ''They do have a good collection'' he said impressed.

My parcel came.'' Uhh, i'm gonna leave then, you keep shopping, meet you soon'' i gave a forced smile.

''Whe......where are you going? Can you please wait or can you help me with these? I suck at shopping. PLEASE?'' he made a puppy face.

This is so unfair man! I tried to refuse but what came out of my mouth was ''Well, okay''

''Thank you a lot! Look at this , what dyu think!!?"

"Yeah, it's... it's fab"

" Ok then...I'll buy this...how much?" He said looking at the shopkeeper

" Sir, it's 450 dollars"
"Okay" he put his hand in his pocket to fetch his wallet only to find nothing.
"Where is my purse!?!"
" Have you bought it?"
" FUCK!!! I forgot to bring my fucking purse, how will I pay for stuffs now.....God! I'll never learn to carry my purse everywhere. Let's leave then"
"Hey, you can borrow some from me"
" C'mon it's just a watch. Not that big a deal"
" Hey rahul!!" Shreyas said from behind... I've got some confusion in here, can you help?"
" I'll be back ,wait ok?"
He went to Shreyas.
I looked at the watch. It was a good one and he has a good taste.
"I'll buy it" came out my mouth.
"Sure ma'am" and the shopkeeper went to pack it.
I paid the bill by card and soon put the packet in my purse so that he doesn't notice.

IF I NEVER MET YOU.....(FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now