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All the drunkards were taken good care of and were safely put in their beds by the time the clock strike 2:00 am. It was only me , shreyas and Rahul who were still sane , Rishab was too but he's not here to help us anymore so ... Shreyas went to bed and Rahul and I were walking through the passage that would lead us to Rahul's room.
He opened the door " good night then, it was a a great night "
" It sure was " I said with a warm smile and came back to my room. I wanted to gift him the watch tonight. He must have been asleep, let's wait for another day then, I thought.
Suddenly my phone beeped.OFFICE.I instantly picked it up only to find out i've been given work and i need to complete it within 4 hours.

IT'S UNFAIR. I don't wanna do any work here, I'm on a vacation for god's sake and I NEED BREAK CAUSE I DESERVE IT. Realising that it's better to rather do the work than cry over it I sat to do some work.
I am just half way throughput it and the clock struck 3:30. I am bored af. There's a need of taking a break now. I HAVE TO.
There's nothing special I can do just by sitting in my room so it's better to go to the small bar corner of our hall and check if there's still some coke left or not.
THANKFULLY THERE WAS. I took the bottle and came back to my room , sat at the bed amd put some FRIENDS on.
And I was so lost in it that one hour passed and I didn't have any clue. I immediately put that addiction off and went to the kitchen to fetch a redbull. I am so in need of a energy drink right now. To my surprise, Rahul's room's lights were still on. He must've slept with the lights on, not that big a deal. Should I check???????
I did. He was awake, I could listen the moans from the porn he was watching. Why can't he use a headphone?
I came back to my room and instantly felt an urge to give him the watch right now, but I knew it wouldn't be so pleasing. I don't wanna go, I don't wanna look desperate but when you're in love you loose control over yourself. I went back to his room to disturb him with the packet in my hand.
I just hope he wasn't masturbating. It can be so awkward. I warned myself zillion times that it can get super awkward if i just knock on his door at 2am that too when he is watching porn!!!!!
I just freaking knocked the door. My heart was pounding so loud that it was audible to me. 2 mins passed, yet no response came but I couldn't knock it again. I was simply leaving when he opened the door out of nowhere.
"Hey!!!! You're awake!!!"
"Yeah!! sorry to disturb you. It's just...... it's nothing...."
He gave me an unreadable look.
"Aah...okay...look....I bought this........." I said nervously"..... for you" and handed him over the watch.
He took it and opened it without any delay. " You didn't!!!!!" He exclaimed in joy annd with a biiig smile on his face.
" Yess, you seemed to like it very much, so I just thought of gifting it to you."
" That's so sweet and thank you very much but there was really no need of doing this."
" Of course there was"
" Ohh sorry, come inside ,don't stand outside."
" No it's okay. I'm fine. I'll actually take off"
"C'mon I am anyways getting bored, we can watch something together"
" Well... sorry to ask but weren't you busy serving yourself?"
"What?" He looked surprised.
" I heard moans, I don't see any girl in here, it must be coming from your Mobile then"
"Ohh thatt!!! That was.....that was..... hahaha....thattttt...." He kept on laughing and struggling to say what he wanted.
" That was Monica. Aah, FRIENDS? have you watched it?"
"Of course I have, that's the only thing I keep on watching when I'm bored. Infact, I was watching it just before I came here."
" So you remember the episode were Phoebe gives massage to Monica and she makes those noises?" He sounded enthusiastic.
"Ohh!!!!!!! Now I get it!!!! Aah, sorry dude! My mistake" I felt so stupid and cursed myself.
" Umm...leave it, come inside let's watch something then"
I thought about my work, i would now have to give some excuse to them. C'mon it's okay to do it once, it's new year after all.
We sat with pepsi cans and nachos in our hands....
That night was soooo fun. Both of us had some crazy laugh. Though he was amused to see I how I sound when I laugh....

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