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My hands were literally shaking and words couldn't escape my mouth. All the decieved pair of eyes , people who loved me and people from whom I simply walked away were set on me. I managed saying, " uhh, good evening everybody, umm, I uhh ,ummm, I am Ryka, ...Ryka banerjee and uhh,... it feels really good to have you people here, so...yeah just, just enjoy" and left the stage handing over the mic while I got an earful from my friends for being such a dumbass on the stage.

I tried to get out of their visions. But my colleueges pushed me back to the room. " YOU ARE THE PRESIDENT! YOU HAVE TO BE IN THERE!" like is there a rule or something?Starters and drinks were served. My friends told me I kind of sounded rude on the stage and you what is more rude than that? Not meeting my ex family. I went to meet each of them and my first encounter was with Virat.
"Hiii" I almost whispered expecting an earful from him.
" Seriously??? You are gone for half an year and now you suddenly appear out of nowhere and say hi? Just hi? Can't I even expect a hug?" He said with big eyes.
I hugged him instantly. He has always been there for me in times of my distress and in times of joy just like a big brother. A tear ran down my face.
" So how are you?" I said shyly
" Leave the formalities, first tell me where have you been all these times. Can't you even receive a call?" He said slowly.
" I came here and had to changed my number." I said without anything else to say
"Look, I understand but you could have atleast called me before you left india, to let me know that I am gonna lose a sister of mine, don't know for how long."
" I am sorry okay?" I murmured.
We chit chatted for a bit long and left to meet others. I was greeted so warmly by all of them and then at a corner of the hall there was Rahul and Hardik , drinking and talking. My heart was on my hand. I could literally feel my nerves. I had goosebumps all over my body. That was the second time I was that anxious after I first got a minor anxiety attack before my first board exams. I could feel every second passing just like I was doing then.

While I was standing approximately five feet away from them, Hardik looked at me, gave a smile, came running towards me and gave a tight hug.

Both of us were crying. We were best of friends but I didn't respect his friendship. What makes me feel more guilty is the way these people were treating me, just how they used to when I was with Rahul.
Rahul was still standing at quite a distant, me and  Hardik started talking and kept doing that for like fifteen minutes, when he offered me drinks and we went to the same corner rahul was standing.
We exchanged glances, I smiled at him, he smiled back too, with warmth.
Apparently, me and Rahul limited ourselves just within handshakes. More than that would have been a bit embarassing in public. Also, my periods were near so my emotions were all heightened and I couldn't possibly have stopped if I started crying.

" Hi" he said smiling.

IF I NEVER MET YOU.....(FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now