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We all had maggi for breakfast though each of us customized it according to our tastes. Elle added ketchup to her maggi, like WHO DOES THAT?!?. I like my maggi in its purest form, just the noodles, the masala and the dried out water.
After filling our tummies we went to our respective rooms to get ready. WE ARE GOING TO THE BEACH TODAY!!!
The girls are gonna be wearing bikinis and boys... I donno... I just hope they don't come naked.
I am gonna be wearing a black one. I chose to expose less. This bikini was the only option I was left with. Others were more sluttier. What's more embarrassing is I have to meet everybody at first at the main hall and then we'll take off together.
Nonetheless, I kept my hair open, wore a translucent shrug, took the suncream and came out of the room.
Hardik was there along with Tessa.
"Looking sexy babe" Tessa said naughtily.
I gave a smile in answer and sat beside Hardik. He looked at me and said, "goddess"...
I didn't know what to answer maybe cause I didn't even know why he said what he said.
Finally, I saw Rahul coming down the stairs. He was looking HOT, like HOT hot.
"Looking..... looking awesome riks" he said as soon as he noticed me.
"Awesome? All this while I used to think that nobody can match Kylie Jenner's hotness . But look at her!!!" Hardik said .
I get a lot of these.And i secretly enjoy it too cause after all I am being compared with THE KYLIE JENNER. I too sometimes think how similar I am to her. I am an entrepreneur and so is she. Our physical features matches too. We have the same body type , same complexion, same big lips and pretty similar and considerable curves. Yet we are SO DIFFERENT. I mean she is THE KYLIE JENNER and I am....well i am me. But I idolize her...


Soon after, all of us gathered within minutes and we were all set to show some of our swimming skills today at the beach that is a 20 second walk from the only house of the island, ours. I wandered what happens to the house when tsunami comes. Umm. Not my business. I should focus on what's going on right now i guess.

Rahul , Tess , Shreyas are all walking ahead of me while the others are behind .
"Riks!!! wait" Hardik shouted out of nowhere.
I stopped. And started walking again when he reached me.
"Say" I said, trying not to sound rude.
"It's been 24 hours that we're here and still, I haven't gotten a chance to know you. I think we should hangout sometime.
"Hmm sure" I know I was lying. I had no interest in him. And when I don't have an interest on someone I end up behaving cold to them, even when I don't wanna.
"Okay then"
"Okay" ...
I noticed Rahul was waiting outside the water for someone. Maybe for Hardik considering they are best of friends. I stopped at a distance to apply the suncream. Rahul is still waiting, and now i am sure it's not for Hardik. Once done, i went to him '' Waiting for somebody?'' i asked.

''Huh? No. I mean, Yes,'' He smiled and I got my answer. That's so sweet of him.

I submerged myself into the water. It was sooo so peaceful in there. I was a bit ahead of the area where others were enjoying, and so there was no noise , it was calm, if only i was a mermaid and could live in these quiet waters.

I turned back while i was under the water, and saw a pair of legs approaching me. It was Rahul.



''Umm, can i ask you for a favour if you don't mind?''

''umm...yeah sure....ask'' Literally, I WAS NERVOUS.

''so, here's the thing. That girl Tessa, i am kinda into her. And since, you know, you two are friends, maybe you can help me . And you are the only person i can ask right now, cause you are the only person whom i've talked to the most. So, PLEASE.''

I couldn't move. THIS GUY IS ASKING ME TO PROMOTE HIM BY DOING MY OWN DEMOTION. Like what the fuck?!? Now i get it. He was waiting for Tessa back then.

What do i say to him now?''Well, okay, if that's what you want'' I couldn't believe myself. I BETRAYED MYSELF.

''Hmm cool then, and thanks a lot''

Welcome is all i said but i was cursing him in my mind.

''By the way, you are shy, ain't you? Like you don't talk much unless you're asked to''

''No I'm not that shy, I love to talk, but once i start I don't stop. I talk about the smallest things and the biggest ones and people get bored of me and leave, so it's better not to talk at all Sometimes it's better to keep silent than to tell others what you feel, because it hurts badly when you come to know that they can hear you, but they can't understand.'' I said smiling but with a lot of pain.

He just nodded. I made it awkward for him I guess.

''Leave all this, let's have fun, we're here to have fun right?'' he said trying to make the situation less awkward.


IF I NEVER MET YOU.....(FANFIC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz