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Alex followed Rahul to the restroom. After reaching, he tried to maintain his calm composure while asking about Ryka and Alex's meet
Listening to her addiction to smoking and drinking Rahul couldn't help but blaim himself for it.

"Look, I'll try to be as sober as possible. My life's biggest mistake was to let her go after spoiling her life and I can't live with that suffocating guilt everyday. I am ready to do anything I can, for redemption."

" Dude! Do you even have any idea, what you are talking about? You made her life a hell and she managed to lived through it, don't drown her again. "

" I'm not asking for your permission buddy. I am telling you my plan cause I need your support"

" So you are asking me to help you hurt my best friend again after I helped her get over you? Wow!" He said sarcasticly.


" Yeah right, like I am going to let you!"

" Man!!! What the hell is your problem?"

" My problem is YOU! I LOVE HER!!! okay? And just because she still loves you or atleast that's what I think she does I can't confess my feelings to her. You think it's easy for me to love a person secretly especially when that special person happens to be your best friend who doesn't feel the same way?"

" Yeah right!!! Best friends who sleep together ,right?" He smiled and said rudely.

"Don't you dare say that! Anyways, You can think whatever you want to. I don't give a damn. And I am not like you who would give up on his love that easily, so fuck off!!!!" Alex said on the top of his voice.

Rahul mustered up all the strength he had and punched alex on his face. HARD! Alex punched him back and those mere punches turned out to a terrible fight. Rahul's nose was bleeding. Alex's eyes were bruised.

Meanwhile, Ryka along with Hardik and Virat arrived. Seeing, them fight like mad dogs, Ryka panicked and her eyes started sweating. She held herself responsible for all these.

While Virat and Hardik were trying their ass off to stop them, Ryka gathered all the courage and screamed, " STOP!!!". All of them paused. Ryka screaming on top of her lungs worked pretty well.

Alex and Rahul shared glances filled with hatred. Virat and Hardik excused themselves. Ryka went to them and stood guarding alex facing rahul confidently.

"What? Tell me what is it? If all of these was about me then tell me WHAT IS IT?!?" she screamed.

"Ryka, I know you are better off without me. I know I  am harmful for you, and i know that I am being selfish but I also know that I love you and that I will do anything to earn you back" he said calmly.

"Well, do whatever you wanna do without hurting the persons I care about!!"

"Why do you care about him huh!" He said rudely.

"BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!" she shouted. A brief silence followed. Alex was numb  , so was Rahul and ryka was screwed up, or that's what she thought.

" Ohh! So you sleep with him a couple of times and now you love him?"

" You are the one to talk? The guy who after sleeping with his ex realised he is still in love with that  manipulative bitch? This is Alex we are talking about here. The guy, who helped me get through my depression that you caused. He has been there for me through thick and thin and did everything he could to make sure that no matter what I am not missing my family or the people I cared about back in india. The people I had to walk away from because of YOU! And you can't even imagine me to fall for a guy like him? Whatis up with you!?!"

"Don't do this Ryka. How many times do I have to apologise to you to actually earn your respect back?"

"I respected you, until now."

"I know you were there that day, in England, I saw you during the toss. At first, I was surprised to see you there and thought you were staying in England. I tried to get in contact with you but couldn't. I am sure you must keep records of my performance,I was not performing well till that day, I saw you after what feels like ages and look what it did to me. That is how much effect you have on me, Ryka. You brought me back to my form."

" Stop doing that Rahul, I don't love you anymore" her heart ached while pronouncing those harsh words.

" I know you're lying. But just so you know, I STILL LOVE YOU." he said grabbing her head and gently kissing her and left silently.

Just when he left, Ryka realised she has another issue waiting for her. She may have jeopardized her friendship with Alex, but it is what it is.

" You love me?" Alex said as Ryka turned back.

IF I NEVER MET YOU.....(FANFIC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora