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I came rushing back to my home crying .... That's not how I expected it to happen, it was much worse in my imagination......But the key moment was when I asked him ," so is it really that easy to give up on me?"
" IT'S NOT....IT STILL IS NOT...But I guess I have to, I don't deserve you" he said disappointed.
You know what, I am very impressed that he is guilty for what he did...A guilty conscience is enough to keep him distant from committing the same mistake again....
Is it not obvious????? Is it not obvious that if one day he comes and asks me to forgive him I will do it?.... The reason is I was happy which I am no more and want to go back to that life again.

My phone rang. Alex.
" Helllllooooo!!" He said overwhelmed.
" What happened to your voice?"
" It swelled due to crying"
" And why were you crying?"he said with concern.
" I talked to him. "
" Ohh-oh ,okay I am coming, don't cry okay? I am gonna bring pizza"
"Aah don't..I wanna be alone right now"
" And why is that?"
" I DON'T KNOW!!! I just need time to digest the whole thing"
" You've been trying to digest it all since you left india....you were all on your own....could you digest it? But, what about today's morning, weren't you feeling light after sharing all your stresses with me ? Listen, sometimes, speaking to someone can also help you feel light, alright? So I am coming..bye" and he cut the call ...
He is right...I did feel a lot better today in the morning then I did all this while....In times of distress all you need is a person like him who would actually listen to you........

He is here. I went to open the door and there he was all handsome and sharp.
"Hey!!!" I said
Without saying anything he entered and sat on the couch....I do feel attracted to him in situations like these. After all he is damn too sexy.

We talked for almost an hour where I gave him all the detailed information of my awkward conversation with Rahul. He listened to me without any interference and that's what a heartbroken, overwhelmed, control freak girl would want....
"So what's tomorrow's plans?"
"Same old"
" We'll go to a party tomorrow....." He smiled and looked at me, "masquerade" he continued....
I gave a smile in answer....
" That means you've to wear something really nice...you can't go there with some jeans and your dad's tees"
"Hey first of all no joke on dad's tees and okay I will wear something good but God knows if I have something good" I said and looked towards him whilst I felt a impulse run through my body...As if I am sired to him.....
" So cooo...." He didn't complete when I hopped on and started smooching him...IT WAS SOOOO TEMPTING!........and the rest is history.....

IF I NEVER MET YOU.....(FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now