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The people in your life should be a source of reducing stress, not causing more of it. What she did is exactly what I would have done if I were in her place. I know it's not the future she is afraid of, it's the fear of the past repeating itself that haunts her.
I don't want to call her or text her, all I want is to be in her arms, holding her hands, feeling her breath, hearing her heart and being with her.....
I read somewhere, " if you cheat on someone that is willing to do anything for you, you actually cheated yourself out of true loyalty"
I just wish I could be a better me, FOR HER.....

The girl is Amaira...I slept with her while I was still in a serious relationship.....and I hate myself for that..I don't know how I'll ever make peace with that... We used to be a thing before me and Ryka became one. I used to love her, and Ryka knows everything about her, or about my feelings for her. But the more I fell for riks, the more I learnt she is the ONE.
Before I could confess that to her Amaira busted in my life again and spoilt it all...She was lucky I was drunk that day, but then I realised ,that ONE night ignited back my feelings for her. A successful relationship requires falling in love for several times but WITH THE SAME PERSON...
I fell for Amaira again instead........All these feelings that I had suppressed came rushing back and before I could've dealt with it, Ryka came to know about it and left , making my life a complete void.....

Since she left, Amaira has been with me... I don't know if I should call it a relationship. She helps me get over her, which I don't want to by the way. I know why she is doing what she's doing , maybe because she is jealous that I still LOVE HER.... When I ask her to confirm, she says she is not jealous, she is just being territorial, jealous means wanting something she can't get and territorial means wanting something that she already owns blah blah blah....But I love her too..... Actually now i get it, If I can love a wrong person that much, then I can only imagine how much I can love the right one, Ryka. I'M A COMPLETE MESS without her. I don't even know how I became what I am right now, Ruka was the collateral damage of my confusions.....I want to apologise to her but I know I don't deserve a mercy....



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