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"Hey, I am on my way" rahul called after 10 minutes.
" Okay, you know the reception right? I am sending somebody who'll get you and bring you here in my office okay?"
" Okay"

I immediately called abhishek.
" Yes madam" he mocked.
" Hey where are you right now?"
" In my office. Why?"
" Can you do me a favour?"
" Yeah sure what is it?"
" You know rahul, kl rahul? The Indian cricketer.? Apparently he is coming and I need you to ask someone to be at the reception and bring him to my office"
" Ohh okay, I am going "
" Cool, thanks"

Abhishek is a very sweet guy. He is elder to me and protects me like his own sister. And trust me, he gives the best rakhi and bhai dhuj gifts. He is kind of my guardian in here. Not that I take permission and all from him but even if I call him at 3 am , no matter how busy he is , I'll find him at my door. He is kind of hot and got a huge number of followers on social media and since we are close, his fans( my juniors) ask me to introduce them to him, but he majorly dislikes that and I don't know why.

Within minutes the telephone rang and it was of course abhishek with rahul.
" Come in" I ordered.
I stood up welcoming them, abhishek winked at me and left the office. " Sit there" I said to rahul pointing at the chair .
" Coffee or tea ?" I asked
" Whatever you like" he smiled.
He rested his back at the chair and smiled at me. " Thank you, I was feeling so downcast from the morning"
I smiled back to him and called the tea house of the hotel.
" Two teas. The me-special one okay?" I commanded on the phone.
" Have the tea ,then I would show you around my workplace"
" I would love that"
" What's tonight's plan?" he asked after a minute.
" Told you, that meeting at 6 and then the same, nothing special"
" Wanna go for lunch? Just the two of us?" he said naughtily.
" When?" I tried to sound as casual as possible.
" When does your shift ends?"
" Well, it depends."
" How about uhh....say 9?"
" okay!!! "
" Okay then,.......................... I hate to be alone you know, none of my friends are in town... Thank you for doing me this favour"
So I am just doing him a favour? HE HAS NO IDEA THAT HE'S THE ONE WHO'S DOING THE FAVOUR HERE....... I am gonna be enjoying, so never mind.

I showed him around the hotel, the kitchens, and all the other worth-a-watch things that he missed before. He LOVED the tea. '' Never have i ever drank a tea like this, will you allow me to have morning teas with you regularly?'' he has said with a puppy face. What he doesn't know is I WOULD LOVE THAT.

It's 8:45 pm now. Within 15 minutes i'll be going on a dinner date with him. He may think of it as a casual dinner but for me it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I was in my formals only. I just made a bun of my hair and came out of the hotel only to find Rahul waiting for me with his Audi.

IF I NEVER MET YOU.....(FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now