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MOVE ON...This is probably the most common word a person hears after he or she goes through a breakup....
And sometimes people tend to make a big deal out of it...I used to wander what is that big deal about moving on ... But then I realised it is much harder to do it than simply saying it......When it's hard to get over someone you just pretend to have done that. I was doing the same.... My parents think I am happy and I have done the unthinkable, I HAVE MOVED ON....In reality none of it is true to be honest...I AM JUST PRETENDING TO BE OKAY...

But the thing is there is no pint of pretention when I am with Alex.  It's fun with him..We talk, we drink ,we eat, we watch and we make out... We are friends with benefits.. Though, I kind of think he feels for me,but I can't help , right now I am not looking forward to any relationship stuffs ...In this scenario, I can't be direct to him, I can't keep hurting people I care about. If he comes straight someday, I'll manage.I guess ...

Things between me and him are pretty okay. We tried to keep it as normal as possible. Later, he told me that he too went through a phase like me , to be precise like rahul..He slept with his ex the night he and his past present broke up and it turned out to be disaster....Ours were different but the whole complications and all were quite similar....


Two months later,

We are best friends now and I am finally over Rahul,..... I guess.
I am back to a happy life without any other terrible complications...Alex helped me get through it and he's still as sweet, as humble and as hot as he was when I first met him. I think, over time I've gained a soft spot for him in my heart which I earlier thought could only be owned by Rahul. I've always liked him but with every minute we spend together the feelings are getting more intense...The problem is I am still not sure if he feels the same things so I've to be in my limits and try not to bring any break in our bond of whatever you may call it.
I was lost in thoughts when suddenly the door of my room opened and he came in with a big box wrapped with colourful papers.
" What is that?" I said amused.
" Have a look " he said and handed me the box.
I opened it and found out a ticket...After inspection I found out the ticket is of a cricket match. " Don't you think the box is way too big for an insignificant gift like this, no offense... I love it though....uhh....but I won't go sorry" I said disappointed
" Why not!?! Look, you were saying you are over him right?, It's just a cricket match!!!??"
" But why cricket???"
" Uhh, ok do you watch any other sports?, and I guess we've gone for movies a lot of times, the only thing that we didn't ever do is watch a live cricket match, and you, .miss Ryka is a cricket lover, how ironic is that? Huh?.." he said enthusiastically with bright eyes. How can I refuse that? And yeah, he is right, if I am over him a cricket match won't affect...
"Alright, where and when is it?"
" IT IS ENGLAND VERSUS INDIA!!!!!!!!!Your country versus mine...... It's in Southampton..Next week."
" So we're going on a vacation to England?"
" If you say so" he winked.

After I broke up with Rahul, I've kind of stopped doing one of my favourite leisure time activity, WATCHING CRICKET....I guess it's time to resume it.
Me and alex may not be in a  relationship but if you ask any third person to opinionate on us, they will mistake us as a thing... It's right, we do all these couple stuffs and involuntarily many of our meets turned into romantic dates.
Don't know what the future holds for me..Or for us....

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